
Stephen Wilhite, creator of the GIF, has died aged 74 :(

Pictures at his funeral were said to be very moving.
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Did you know the GIF is pronounced 'jiff', not giff?

That's because GIF actually stands for ' jraphics interchange format'.
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The inventor of the gif has died...

I expect we'll see many moving tributes.
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Some pronounce it as gif, others say gif but the correct way is actually

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FYI: The .gif file format is pronounced "jiff"

I know because I joogled it.
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I had to take the batteries out of the carbon monoxide detector last night.

The loud beeping was giving me a headache and making me feel sick and dizzy.

[FRONT PAGE!](https://media2.giphy.com/media/FGmbEOTVWQHzW/200_s.gif)
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If you don't know how to pronounce the "g" in "gif"...

it's pronounced just like the "g" in "gigantic"
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A man spends his whole life thinking GIF is pronounced "giff"

Some of his friends still insist that it's "jiff". When he finally dies and goes to heaven he asks God "is GIF pronounced "giff" or "jiff"? God says "it's "jiff"". He responds with "ok, JOD."
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Stephen Wilhite, one of the lead inventors of the GIF, passed away last week at the age of 74

Jodspeed, Stephen.
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I found a way to solve the Gif vs Jif debate.

Just pray to Jod and Gesus for resolution.
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ME: "We should make a sextape."

G.FRIEND: "You finish so fast, it would be a GIF."

Two computer nerds start arguing about if they have to pronounce it gif or jif.

The argument gets extremely heated and it goes on for hours.

In the end they just decide to have the sandwich with just the jelly.
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I opened my GIF file and there was something wrong with it. The computer screen became blank and the GIF came to life. The man from the GIF rushed toward me , said something and sprinted out of my room

He said "I'll be back in a GIPHY"
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How many redditors does it take to change a lightbulb?

How many redittors does it take to change a lightbulb?

1 to change the light bulb and to post that the light bulb has been changed.

14 to share similar experiences of changing light bulbs and how the light bulb could have been changed differently.

7 to caution about the dangers ...

If you can put a end to this 'gif' pronunciation debate...

I'll give you a gift of gin.
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The internet has finally determined the true pronunciation of "GIF"

It's "g" as in garage
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I watched a gif of a sloth for 5 minutes yesterday

Until I realized it was just an image
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When Gordon Ramsay saw a cute puppy gif on Reddit, why did he get mad?

Because it was /r/aww
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A native american hitchhiker was picked up by a slick

city man who was driving past the reservation.

As they were driving along, the indian noticed a brown paper bag on the dashboard and inquired as to its contents. The city man replied: "It's a bottle of wine, I got it for my wife".

The Indian looked forward at the road, nodded his head ...

Why does everyone love GIFs so much?

Because it's the gif that keeps on gif-in.
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My wife told me that having sex with me was like watching a gif.

It doesn’t last long, it’s small and it’s the same thing over and over

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What does Gordon Ramsey shout when he sees a baby duckling gif on Reddit?

IT'S FUCKING r/aww !

Never send someone you don’t talk to much a gif of the titanic

It’s a horrible icebreaker
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My mom sent her friend a gif via text message.

Said to my mother:"even moms are sending memes now days."
Mother said "its the memeing of life.
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I noticed that youtube video thumbnails now play an animated gif when you hover over them.

When i noticed this, i was laying in bed with my conservative, traditional girlfriend, but without thinking, i say out-loud, "Oh, youtube finally caught up to pornhub with that awesome feature."

My girlfriend: What?
Me: What?

I saw a fencing gif for the second time the other day

It was a riposte.
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I saw saw a few nasty surgery .gifs with open-organ operation.

I don't really like surgery videos, but there's nothing I can do, totally clips of the heart.
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A man wanted to shoot a porn video with his girlfriend

But he came too fast and created a gif.

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I tried to make a sex tape

I came early, so now it's a GIF.

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the horse

A veterinarian walks into a bar and orders a drink. He strikes up a conversation with the guy next to him, who asks what he does. "I'm a veterinarian," the vet says. "Really?" the guy asks. "Say, I own a horse and was wondering if you could help me." He pulls out his cell phone and call up a photo o...

I successfully quit my job as an animator without making a scene, so I had a party to celebrate...

and everybody brought gifs.
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It's pronounced like "jif."

Yeah, well I don't gif a fuck.

Someone tried to send me an NFT of Mr. Ed

But I know better than to look a GIF horse in the mouth
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Did you hear about the three wise men in the age of NFTs?

They came bearing GIFs
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I posted myself drawing a perfect freehand ellipse on r/gifs. Everyone loved it and started trying themselves. We were all complimenting each others steady hands, when one guy commented, "circle jerk!".

"What an idiot", I thought and replied, "oval, you moron!"

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My wife and I decided to make a sex tape.

If anyone wants to watch it im uploading the full gif later today.

"So I matched with this cute guy on Tinder last night, and we started chatting and sending each other memes and little animations. But then he mentioned that he was an exchange student from Athens, so I ghosted him." "Why?"

"My daddy always told me, 'Beware the Greeks bearing gifs.'"
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"How does it feel to live without the Internet?"

I met an Amish man who gave me a ride when my car was broken down.

Me: "So, what's it like to live without the internet?"

Amish Man: "Pretty swell. I just get pictures of your mom through the mail."

[OH SNAP!](http://reactiongif.org/wp-content/uploads/GIF/2014/08/GIF-amazing-cla...
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As a parent, I only let my kids browse r/highqualitygifs

Because choosy moms choose Gif
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