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The Clown Collage was on fire yesterday

People for miles around complained of funny smells
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Why do parents take so many photos?

Because they're saving for collage.
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Your ability to combine photos into a beautiful and evocative display is amazing!

Well, I am a collage graduate.
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Movie pitch for a documentary

Movie pitch: a virus is spreading rapidly around the world, people are panic buying toilet paper and the fate of humanity relies on collage kids not partying.


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A Joke My Dad Told Me In The Car

“God, it’s just so hard for me because you’re getting older and spending more time with your friends. I feel like eventually you’ll cut me out.”

“Dude, I will never fucking cut you out.”

“why did you take me out of the collage then?!”

During a drought, a farmer remembers hearing about a native tribe who's rain dance is said to work every time...

so the next day he gets in his pickup and heads out to visit the tribes chief.

When he gets there he asks if the tribe would be able to preform a rain dance for him.

"Yes, we can call the spirits of water with our dance, but first I must gather the tribe, and my son is two states away ...
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A 2nd Grade Teacher was Fired Today /DryHumor

A superintendent, school principal, vice principal, and New Jersey Department of Education are touring the elementary school for their annual walkthrough.

The hallways buzz about as they pass classroom after classroom, a living collage of Language Arts lessons, Social Studies, sing songs edut...

I went for lunch at an Indian restaurant

I went for lunch at an Indian restaurant and encountered a strange old man sitting at a small table near the door. The old man had at the table with him a glue stick and a few sheets of construction paper and he seemed to be engaged in some kinds of arts-and-crafts project. The waitstaff occasionall...
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Farmer Bill and Farmer Joe

Farmer Bill and Farmer Joe were sitting in a bar, drinking and joking around, the conversation soon falls silent.
"Ya know what Joe?" Says Bill "I aint had enough education, tomorrow im going to night school!"
"Good idea Bill," says Joe "Tell me how it goes!"

The next day Bill visits ...

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