
A study conducted on representation of persons with disabilities found that

blind people were 100% less likely to see themselves represented in the media

Why is this sub a great representation of reddit?

Because every time you see a post, you've probably already reddit before.

Long John Silver's is the perfect representation of corporate greed.

Nearly everything that company does is selfish.

Super Smash Bros. is a good example of how NOT to do minority representation in video games

The only black character is incredibly two-dimensional

The Leaning Tower of Pisa is a good representation of all Italians

Not straight.

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Truck driver Mike and the alien

I'm from Germany, so I hope it doesn't get lost in translation.
Mike the truck driver is on the highway at night when the radio station he's listening to sends a special report about UFO's and aliens been spotted only a bit in front of him. "... they're about 4 feet tall with arms reaching...

The US should rejoin Great Britain

Its not like we mind Taxation without representation anymore.

The scary thing about watch dogs 3

Is the fact it's accurate representation on britian

What do you call it when a company that sells milk doesn't have have any cows in roles of power

Lactation without Representation

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My dad explained the working world to me this way :

Imagine everyone are birds on hanging wires. The birds on different levels of overhead hanging electrical wires are a representation of positions of power in a company.

Birds on the highest level are your CEOs. Likewise, as the levels decrease, so do the positions. The lower levels contain th...

What do you call a woman who speaks on behalf of everybody?

Miss Representation

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Pope is on an airplane

So this guy boards an airplane and finds himself sitting next too the Pope. Trying to not make a big deal out of it the guy takes his seat and minds his own business.

About 20 minutes into the flight the Pope takes out a crossword puzzle and begins working on it. As the flight progressed the...

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