fairycinderellatalemagicstorysleeping beautyfablefantasylegendtrollfolklorebluebeardgiantgerman languageromance

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What's the difference between a northern fairytale and a southern fairytale?

A northern fairytale begins "Once upon a time ..." A southern fairytale begins "Y'all ain't gonna believe this shit ..."

Do all fairytales start with "once upon a time"?

No, some start with "if I'm elected, I promise..."
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My marriage is like a fairytale.

I was charming and my wife was beautiful, Once upon a time...
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Motherhood is like a fairytale...

... _*but in reverse*_

You start out in a beautiful ball gown and end up in stained rags cleaning up after little people.
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A girl asks her father, “Do all fairytales begin with Once Upon A Time?”

And the father replied, “ No there is a whole series of fairytales that begin with ‘If Elected I Promise.....”
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Everyone says they want a fairytale wedding.

But when I show up and curse their firstborn, suddenly I'm the jerk...

Have you heard who's playing the lead role in Hollywood's latest fairytale movie?

China's GDP numbers.
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two women are chatting in the office....

Two women are chatting in an office.

Woman 1: "I had sex last night, did you?"

Woman 2: "Yes."

Woman 1: "Was it good?"

Woman 2: "No, it was a disaster... my husband came home, ate his dinner in three minutes, got on top of me, finished having sex in five minutes, rolled o...

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What’s the difference between….

What’s the difference between an old military (pick your favorite service) story and fairytale?

One starts “Once upon a time…” and the other starts with “Now this is no shit…”.

Two girls are sitting in a bar

The one girl says: "Take my phone, can you please call my mother that I'll be home soon? I really need to use the bathroom now."

The other girl answers: "Sure, what is your password?"

"Snow White and all the seven dwarfs." the one girl replies.

The other girl frowns and asks: "S...
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