folklorelook-alikefictionshapeshiftercyborgsuccubuswraithparamourmanservantsociopathalter egodeathmythologyparanormalloanword

I have an albino doppelganger

He's a pale imitation

What do you call Snoop Dogg's doppelganger?

The Snooplicate.

What do you call a Billie Eilish doppelganger?

Billie Eil-ish

My doppelganger has just walked in, and sat on the other end of the couch

I'm beside myself with shock

Mr. Smith found a doppelganger of his wife.

Mr smith to Air hostess - you look exactly like my wife.

*Air hostess feeling a bit agitated by that remark slapped him.

Mr. Smith - what sheer coincidence, even the habits match too.

When my Doppelganger got on the train and sat right next to me, you can imaine how I felt ....

I was beside myself.

Three doppelgangers are hanging out together. One is Puerto Rican, one is a vegan, and the last one does crossfit. How do you know which is which?

Don't worry, they'll tell you.

I have a doppelganger named Jake and we look so alike that no one who has seen us online can tell us apart except for one big giveaway

The real Jake is always in the comments

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