medicinemehrgarhbridgetooth decaydental cariesdiagnosisdiseasesmouthdentitionteethcraniofacialdentiststomatologycrownantibiotic

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A man wanted to try 69 with his girlfriend

Right in the middle the man realizes he has a dentist appointment. So he pops up and heads to the bathroom. He brushes his teeth 3 times. He uses mouth wash twice and flosses once for good measure.

He gets to the dentist office just in time and his dentist calls him in. Dentist says open wid...

What floor is the dentist office on?

The 2th floor

The FBI Just raided a local dentist office

They are currently performing a cavity search

A blonde walked into the dentist office...

...and sat down in a chair.

The dentist said: "Open Wide"

"I can't" - The blonde said. - "This chair has arms"

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A cheapskate walks into a dentist office.....

"What's the problem?" asks the dentist. "I got a bad tooth that needs to be pulled." replied the cheapskate. "Well for $200 I can put you under and pull the tooth, you won't feel a thing." says the dentist. "Nah, that's way to much money, what else you got?"
"Well for $150 I can give you a numbin...

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A man walks into the dentist office and after the dentist exam him , he says,that tooth has to come out. I’m going to give you a shot of Novacaine and I’ll be back in a few minutes.

The man grabs the dentist's arm, "no way. I hate needles I'm not having any shot!"

So the dentist says, "okay, we'll have to go with the gas."

The man replies, "absolutely not. It makes me very sick for a couple of days. I'm not having gas."

So the dentist steps out and comes ba...

The secretary at my dentist office told me "The waiting room is just to the left, make yourself at home."

I've been back there every night since then to watch Cops and eat Cheetos in my underwear.

Moth Man

A man walks into the dentist's office and says,

"Dentist, please help me! I think I might be a moth."

The dentist replies, "Well if you think you're a moth, why on earth would you come to the dentist office?"

"Because," the man responds, "the light was on."


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A young man worked in the porn industry to pay his way through dental hygienist school.

A young man worked in the porn industry to pay his way through dental hygienist school. After graduating he took a job in a dentist office. One day a familiar looking woman arrived for a cleaning. Upon examination, he couldn’t help but notice her extremely white teeth. Suddenly he realized how h...

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