red blood cellbloodblood groupblood bankantigenabantibodiesboaproteintypistphonotypesuperscripteither

I told the paramedics the wrong blood type for my ex

Now she'll know what rejection feels like

Blood type

A priest, a minister and a Rabbit walk together into the blood donation centre.
The nurse asks “What’s your blood type?”
The Rabbit says “I’m probably a Type O”.

Told my Asian dad my blood type is B+

He was so disappointed..

Doctor: I think the patient is dying. What’s his blood type?

Nurse: B positive.

Doctor: Okay. I think the patient is going to make it.

I filled out a form wrong and accidentally gave a patient a bag of the wrong blood type.

It was a Type-O

My dad died when we couldn't remember his blood type.

As he died, he kept saying "be positive"

I'll try but it's hard without him.

What blood type are newspaper editors?

Typo Negative

What’s the blood type of a keyboard

A type-O

We lost our Dad yesterday. He bled out after a terrible accident. The paramedics asked if we knew his blood type, but we didn't.

As he died he whispered "Be Positive" but it sure is gonna be tough without him.

My Canadian girlfriend's blood type is very rare

" EH +"

My father passed away last week because we couldn't find his right blood type for a tranfusion

He kept telling us to "Be Positive" but it's been really hard without him

A motivational speaker gave blood, what was his blood type?


My Grandpa died last week,because we couldn’t figure out what was his blood type.

But he was strong man,who never gave up and he kept telling us to be positive till the last moment.

Grandpa died in the hospital because they had the wrong blood type on record

It was a Type O.

My wife died in my arms today because she didn't know her own blood type.

She kept yelling "Be Positive" throughout the whole ordeal. I still don't know how she kept such a positive attitude all the way until the end.

I was assigned AB positive blood type at birth, but I identify myself as having B negative blood.

After all, blood is fluid.

I recently found out my blood type is A+

However, in my tests I only get B or less. Doesn't success run in my blood?

If I was a vampire I would have to avoid blood type B-.

It brings me down.

What is a Word documents least favorite blood type?


What is the most common blood type in Taiwan?

Chinese Type-A.

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My grandad died because we didn’t get his blood type right. He kept saying, “Be positive! Be positive!”

And so we tried transfusing B positive blood but apparently he was just an optimistic little bastard was a Type A

Pittsburgh, New England and Oakland have the same blood type

AB Negative.

People with which blood type tend to misspell things?


A Preist, a Pastor, and a Rabbit

A preist, a pastor, and a rabbit walk into a blood donation clinic. The nurse at the front desk notices them waiting and asks them if they know their blood types; they're very low on specific types of blood, as usual.

The rabbit hurriedly hops up and says "Yep, I'm a type A-."

The nurs...

The only thing inspiring in my like is my blood type:

I'm a B+

The clinic asked me why I had written an incorrect blood type on my form

I told them it was Typo

I just found out that my blood type is B negative.

That's the worst one. My day is ruined.

Yo momma so fat...

Her blood type is A ... & W

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A Scottish joke

An Arab sheik was admitted to hospital for heart surgery, but prior to the surgery, the doctors needed to have some of his blood type stored in case the need arose.

As the gentleman had an extremely rare type of blood that couldn't be foundlocally, the call went out around the world.


A priest, a pastor and a rabbit are in a car wreck

They are rushed to the hospital where it becomes clear that the priest and the pastor will need blood to survive. The priest has blood type A, while the pastor has type B. By the grace of God they are saved, as type Os can donate to both.

Why did the Asian kid get beat after his parents checked his blood type

His blood type was a B+

Did I ever tell you about the time I went to the doctor to get my blood type when I was super depressed?

He said B Positive

A Priest, an Imam and a Rabbit walk into a blood donation clinic

The nurse asks them, gentlemen, do you know your blood types?

The priest replies, “Yes I am AB+”

The Imam replies, “I am a B +”

And finally the Rabbit replies, “I am not too sure but I think that I’m a Type O”

A guy goes to the doctor needing blood for his disease, the doctor sadly tells him there is only one blood type available for him and they are all out. The patient, worried asks if he is going to survive. The doctor says he isn’t sure, the patient asks isn’t there anything I can do?

The doctor looks around the room then whispers, “you can steal b positive”

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A wealthy arab guy was very sick

and he needed a blood transplant for an operation, but he had a very rare blood type. Luckily, there was a jew guy with the same type of blood. The arab guy asked the jew but the jew told him that he must ask a Rabbai first. The Rabbi told him that it was okay to do that. After the operation's succe...

A priest, an Imam, and a Rabbi walk into a blood bank.

The nurse asks each their blood type. The priest is O positive, and the Imam is O negative.

Finally it comes to the rabbi, who pauses a long moment before answering.

“Well, I don’t think I’m a Type-O.”

Did you hear about the new male birth control pill?

You take it the next day....it changes your blood type.

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