
Police found a large number of dead crows on the A251 just outside Ashford yesterday morning, and there was concern that they may have died from Bird Flu...

A Pathologist examined the remains of all the crows, and it's been confirmed the problem was not Bird Flu.

The cause of death appeared to be from vehicular impacts, however, during analysis it was noted that varying colours of paints appeared on the bird's beaks and claws.

By analysing...
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My friend announced that he had invented a sport exclusively for animals with large, colourful beaks

I responded, “toucan play that game!”
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Dipping your beaks into different coloured paints, eh?

Well, toucans play at that game.
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Someone told me opium was made out of ground rooster beaks.

But that's poppycock.

I used to feed ducks everyday.

A big group of them, but there was always one that really stood out to me - he always had very rough feathers, always shaking with wide eyes and a chipped beak. Then one day I saw him huddled in a group with a couple other ducks that looked exactly the same, and they all had little packets of white ...
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What do you call a duck without a nose?

A duck. They don’t have noses. They have beaks.

What do you call a dog without a nose?

Whatever his name is. Don’t be a jerk and call him names because he has no nose.

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WW1 as a bar fight...

Serbia is walking across the bar with a beer in his hand. He bumps into Austria, and spills some beer on his pant leg. Austria is furious, and demands Serbia pay for an entire suit. Serbia can't afford this, so he offers to pay for the dry cleaning.

They argue, Russia tells Austria to back o...

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This one got me

A man and his best friend are chatting.

"How much legs does a black rooster have?"

The man responded with 2.

"How much beaks do they have?"


"How much eyes do they have?"


"Okay final question: How many whiskers does a white cat have?"


Terrible what they do these days

We've been reading in the papers lately about terrible cruelty someone is causing to our winged friends by the shore, as many Pelicans have been found with their beaks cut off.

Police suspect a local bill collector is behind it all.
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Literal Penguins

A man was driving down the road with three penguins in the back seat of his car. He's pulled over by police officer.

"Can I see your license and regi...what are you doing with three penguins in your car? You can't have these penguins! Go take them to the zoo right now, get out of here..."...
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The difference between a crow and a raven.

A biologist was asked to finally determine whether crows and ravens are really two different birds. This has been a matter of some conjecture for quite some time. Given only a cursory glance, these birds appear to be one and the same. The biologist spent considerable time watching the birds in their...
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Pierre Dumonte Wiffade was a French explorer and biologist....

Pierre Dumonte Wiffade was a French explorer and biologist who was, in 1792, considered one of the country’s chief ornithologists. Credited with discovering and describing over 200 different bird species, he spent most of his life hopping from island to island, describing the wildlife, and moving to...

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Last night for Fathers Day I drove home from college to have dinner with my dad...

He asked me if I had chosen a major and I said yes, that I'm learning about agriculture and domestic animal husbandry.

"Have they taught you about roosters yet?"

Actually, yes, it came up in my poultry farming class.

"How many legs does a black rooster have?"

Two, I answe...

There was this little girl sitting on the English side of the English Channel, bawling her eyes out. This pigeon was flying over and spotted her, so the pigeon flew down and asked what was wrong.

The little girl told the pigeon that she wanted to be a ballet dancer more than anything, but the only way she could be a ballet dancer was to get to France, being really the only place that teaches ballet.
After thinking for a moment, the pigeon told the little girl to wait and he would return.<...
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3 Black Roosters are sitting on a fence

How many wings do they have?

How many Beaks do they have?

How many feet do they have?

There's a white cat sitting on the fence.

How many furs does it have?

How many Whiskers does it have?

How come you know sooo much about black cock and nothing about white p...

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Man buys a parrot after his wife leaves him

A man's wife leaves him and he is lonely so he decides to go to a pet shop to alleviate his depravity.

He walks into the pet shop and one of the first things he notices is a parrot perched in a cage.

The parrot immediately starts talking "You're wonderful I love you your the greatest I...

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A rooster and a cat

Q: Two black roosters strut by, how many beaks were there?
A: 2
Q: A white cat runs by, how many teeth does it have?
A: Hell, I don't know!
You sure know a lot about black cock but not damn thing about white pussy!

The Prodigal Vulture

Several years ago, in a very flat place called Kansas, there were two vultures named Beaksly and his son, Red. Life for these vultures was pretty simple. Wait for a predator or car to plow into an animal, then swoop in and devour the dead body.

However, Red was rapidly approaching what would ...
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A man and his friend walk into a bar and see 5 roosters...

A man and his friend walk into a bar and see 5 black roosters and two white cats. He asks his friend "between the five roosters how many feet do they have?"

His friend responds "Ten of course!"

"Right, and between the roosters how many beaks do they have?"

"Five of course!"

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There's a black rooster perched on the roof of a house.

This joke takes participation...

So there's a black rooster perched on the roof of a house at sunset... how many feet does it have?


Right. How many wings does it have?


Correct. How many beaks does it have?


Good. Sitting directly next to t...

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So i thought i was good at math...

An old man at work today asked me if I was good at math, I answered yes. He then claimed that there was an imaginary fence of which a black rooster sat upon. He proceeded to ask me simple questions about this rooster;

Man: "how many feet are on the fence?"
Me: "2."
Man: "good, how many...

Where do dead penguins go? [long]

Did you ever wonder why there are no dead penguins on the ice in Antarctica – where do they go?
Wonder no more!!
It is a known fact that the penguin is a very ritualistic bird which lives an extremely ordered and complex life. The penguin is very committed to its family and will mate for life,...
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A man is driving to a big city

But he has to go through a desert. His car beaks down on the way and he realizes there is now way for him to fix it. He starts to walk when he sees a snake rise out of a hole. The snake speaks to him.

“I see you are tired. I will grant you three wishes. The first is free, but the second come...
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