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One of the Russian acrobats in our human pyramid has just been deported.

Now we don't have Oleg to stand on.
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What's the difference between acrobats and high priced hookers? (NSFW)

One has cunning stunts, the other has stunning cunts.

When I manage a troupe of Eastern European acrobats...

they're going to be called "Czechs and Balances", it's the only logical choice.
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What kind of skin lotion do acrobats use?

Cirque d'Olay
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A cat walks into a bar and orders coffee. The waiter is speechless and seeing this, the cat asks:

\- Is anything the matter?

\- Well, yeah.. you're a cat.

\- So?

\- You can talk..

\- I fail to see the problem. Please get me my order.

\- Right away, it's just...
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Timmy just loves clowns. Favourite thing in the world.

He's got clown bed spread, posters in his room, the whole shabang. Totally idolizes them

One day, Timmy sees that the big top circus is coming to town. He gets so excited that, when it finally arrived, he camps outside the ticket booth, waitimg to get the best seat in the house. And when he g...

A couple go to a state fair...

A couple go to a state fair one year and see a gentleman selling helicopter rides. The man of the couple goes to ask the gentleman how much it is for a ride. The gentlemen then tells him that the ride is $50. The man quickly yells "$50!? That's too much!" and walks off.

The next year, they co...
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It’s an amazing night at the circus.

Everybody is enjoying themselves. The clowns did alot of silly tricks, the acrobats did crazy stuff, and the lion did the arbitrary jump through the β€œring of fire”.
It now was time for the big finale. A woman came on stage with a crocodile. She ordered the crocodile to open his mouth. As he opens...

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The ultimate revenge ( long)

Melville was 10 years old and he loved clowns. When he heard that the circus was coming to town he did everything he could to convince his parents to take him so he could see the clowns. They eventually agreed and when the day arrived he was incredibly excited! He was on the edge of his seat with an...

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