
What goes in hard and dry but comes out soft and wet?

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What is big, long, red, spews a liquid from an opening, generates a lot of excitement among people, adults get to have a big one and children get to have a smaller one, makes people wet and is usually associated with "hot", and is related to/contains words that begin with F and end with U,C,K?

A firetruck :D
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Whats wet on the inside and hairy on the outside. It starts with 'C', ends with 'T', and has a 'U' and an 'N' in the middle.

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"Give it to me! Give it to me!" she yelled. "I'm so wet, give it to me now!"

She could scream all she wanted, but I was keeping the umbrella.
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Told this girl I wanted to see some wet pussy.

She said look in the mirror and cry

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A guy goes to the supermarket and notices an attractive woman waving at him. She says hello. Heā€™s rather taken aback because he canā€™t place where he knows her from

So he says, "Do you know me?" To which she replies, "I think youā€™re the father of one of my kids." Now his mind travels back to the only time he has ever been unfaithful to his wife and says, "My God, are you the stripper from my bachelor party that I made love to on the pool table with all my buddi...

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One day a man, who had been stranded on a desert island for over ten years sees an unusual speck on the horizon."It's certainly not a ship", he thinks to himself. As the speck gets closer Suddenly, emerging from the surf, comes a drop dead gorgeous blonde woman wearing a wet suit and scuba gear.

She approaches the stunned guy and says: "Tell me, how long has it been since you've had a cigarette?"
"Ten years," replies the stunned man.
With that she reaches over and unzips a waterproof pocket on her left sleeve and pulls out a pack of cigarettes.
He takes one, lights it, takes a long...

If a robber robs a house under renovation and accidentally leaves his handprint on wet cement,

Does that mean that the police have concrete evidence?
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What did Janis Joplin say when somebody stole her ā€œwet floorā€ sign?

ā€œTake it. Take another little piso mojado, baby.ā€
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Today I learned that "Wet Floor" signsā€¦

ā€¦are not a requestā€¦
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I brought my wife coffee in bed this morning. She got excited, hot and wet.

Yeah, I spilled it on her..
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A female class teacher was having a problem with a boy in her 3rd grade class. The boy said, "Madam, I should be in Grade 4. I am smarter than my sister & she's in Grade 4".

The Madam had heard enough and took the boy to the principal. The principal decided to test the boy with some questions from Grade 4.

Principal: What is 3+3?

Boy: 6.

Principal: 6+6.

Boy: 12.

The boy got all the questions right. The principal told the Madam to send ...

My kid and I wrote this together: Why did the vegetable thief wet his pants?

Because he took a leek!

(Please donā€™t kick us out, just lettuce leave)
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What do you call a German threesome where no one gets wet?

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Mars: I'm wet...

NASA: I'm coming!
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For my post-vasectomy follow-up my doctor required that I give one last semen sample. As a graduated Eagle Scout, I showed up to the appointment with all the necessary supplies: extra clothes, med-kit, secondary ID, Swiss Army knife, field guide, compass, and wet wipes.

When the nurse walked in to collect my sample she said, ā€œI see you came prepared!ā€

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A LONG ONE( but worth it): One wet, cold morning...

A bus driver was just starting along his route. It was still dark and raining and the temperature hovered just above freezing.

As he approached the first stop on his route he could see some poor soul laying on the bench. He stopped the bus, opened the doors and called out to the soaking wet p...

Why was Billy Joel's laundry still wet?

Because he didn't start the dryer
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My girlfriend was shouting ā€œGive it to me now! Iā€™m so fucking wet!ā€

I simply told her ā€œThis umbrella is mine. Go get your own.ā€

"Give it to me" she begged,"Give it to me..." "I'm so wet, oh god, I'm so wet...I want it NOW!" She screamed....

But,there's no way I would give up that umbrella, to anyone.
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A cowboy on a long journey stops at a small town to wet his throat he ties his horse up outside the saloon and enters...

The town's folk eye him uneasily, but he makes his way to the bar and orders a beer. The bartender opens his beer and sets it down on the table. "I'd be careful if I was you. Town's folk don't take kindly to newcomers, they give em a hard time. And that's what you are is a newcomer."

"Is that...
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What do you call a wet baby owl?

A moist owlette.
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Woman goes to see a doctor about her bed wetting problem

Doctors listens to her, nods sagely where appropriate and then tells her to strip. Woman is a bit confused but does as instructed. While she is undressing doctor places a big mirror on the floor and then tells woman to do a headstand over it. Even more confused woman does as instructed, figuring doc...
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A guy driving a Kia.

A guy driving a Kia pulls up at a stoplight next to a Rolls-Royce...

The driver of the Kia rolls down his window and shouts to the driver of the Rolls, "Hey, buddy, thatā€™s a nice car. You got Wi-Fi in your Rolls? Iā€™ve got Wi-Fi in my Kia!"

The driver of the Rolls looks over and says s...
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My dad come up to my room, and handed me my soaking wet wallet, after accidentally leaving it in my jeans as they went through the wash.

"Son, you're going to have to stop money laundering."
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A guy's sneaking up behind his wife at the beach to give her a wet willy.

At the moment he goes for it, she decides to listen to the ocean in a big snail shell.  Yep.  Conch blocked.

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An Australian Army Recruit sends home a letter...

Dear Ma & Pa,

I am well. Hope youse are too. Tell me big brothers Doug and Phil that the Army is better than workinā€™ on the farm - tell them to get in quick smart before the jobs are all gone! I wuz a bit slow in settling down at first, because ya donā€™t hafta get outta bed until 6 am. But...

An Indian has a seat between two Pakistani's on board an airplane.

It's quite obvious to each of the three men know where they are from. The Indian asks, "Pardon me gentleman, you wouldn't mind me sitting between you to do you? This is my seat after all."

The Pakistanis look at each other, and then look back at him. One of them smiles and says, "Not at all! ...
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If your phone gets wet, try putting it in a bag of dry rice...

At night, the rice will attract Asians who will fix your electronics for you.
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my dad asked me why my report card was all wet when I handed it to him

He should have noticed all the grades were below c-level....

From three mind of my 10 year old favorite daughter....
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I dropped an ice cube next to the freezer. It melted and got my sock wet the next time I went to the kitchen.

I was mad at first, but now it's mostly water under the fridge.
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Everyone who defended trump for saying grab them by the pussy is offended by cardi b's sing WAP

Guess there's only a problem when it's wet

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I was asked whether I prefer breasts or thighs.

I said "Well, both are nice, but I really like is a nice wet pussy". Apparently that was the wrong reply, as I'm now banned from KFC.

I gave a woman my umbrella yesterday

That brings the total number of women Iā€™ve made wet this year to -1
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Do the grass be wet in the morning?

It dew.
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I had a wet dream last night about dogs...

Talk about coming in my boxers.
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(nsfw) according to research, 3 of 10 men enjoy blowjob for its wet sensation

the rest of them just want to have quite time

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I love the look on the poor sods faces when I drive by them and they're pissed wet through and freezing cold at the bus stop

Partly why I took the job as a bus driver tbh

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What do Canadians call a wet pussy?

An eager beaver.

Only reason I thought of this was because I'm polishing my resume and looked up synonyms for self-starter, and one was eager beaver. One thing led to another, and I thought of this lol.

After 3 years, the wife starts to think...

...that their child looks different, so she decides to do a DNA test.

She finds out that the child is actually from completely different parents.

Wife: Honey, I have something very serious to tell you

Husband: Whatā€™s up?

Wife: According to DNA test results, this is not o...
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Why did the beach get wet?...

Because the seeweed.
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A vagina is like the weatherā€¦

ā€¦once it is wet, it is time to go inside

A Teacher wants to do a little Quiz with her Students.

Teacher:"Guess what this is, which animal has a Beak and Feathers?"

Random Student:"A Duck!"

Teacher:"Thats right, but it could also be a Goose.
Next question, which animal has Claws and Fur?"

Random Student:"A Dog!"

Teacher:"Thats right, but it could also be a Cat."...
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Why is Australia so wet?

The entire country is in continent
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What did the man say to the wet hole?

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After my retirement at the company I worked at for 50 years, I looked forward to some relaxation time and putting my feet up, but my wife had other ideas...

... she insisted I take her to the local shopping centre every day.

Like most men, I found shopping boring and preferred to get in and out.

She's like most women - loves to browse & leaves me with endless time to fulfill.

Yesterday my dear wife received the following letter,...
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When I was little I saw a sign that said ā€œWet Paintā€.

It turns out that they didnā€™t want me to.
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[Almost a real story] My middle school friends and I, when we were in middle school, were talking about our wet dreams. everyone was having a good time talking about the naughty stuff, but my friend Hassan was all quiet and unamused. Later he came to me and said that he wants my thought.

\- So what's up Hassan?

\+ Ali all the guys are having wet dreams and I am not. Am I sick or something?

\- I don't think so. but there must be a reason that you don't. tell me, Do you fap?

\+ Of course I fap.

\- Do you fap a lot...?

\+ not really. once or twice...

I slipped my finger inside her hole... I could immediately feel she was wet... I pulled my finger out and within seconds she was going down on me...

"I really need a new damn boat!" I thought to myself.
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Old army joke

A new captain becomes leader of a company of soldiers. As he goes about learning everything on how they do things he finds two soldiers guarding a bench. He asks his sergeants why they're guarding the bench and they say the previous commander ordered it. He calls the previous commander up, now a maj...
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What did the dad say after his kid wet the bed?

Oh, boy, urine trouble.
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Why did the preacher get wet?

The church had a holy roof.
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A cucumber, a pickle, and a penis were talking about how horrible their lives are...

The cucumber says, "my life sucks. I get left in the garden until I'm huge. Then cut into pieces and put in a salad." The pickle says, "That's nothing! I get to sit in a jar with vinegar till I get swollen. Then I get eaten." The penis laughs and says, " When I get huge, they throw a bag over my hea...

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Jane and Arlene are outside their nursing home, having a drink and a smoke, when it starts to rain. Jane pulls out a condom, cuts off the end, puts it over her cigarette, and continues smoking.

Arlene: What in the hell is that?

Jane: A condom. This way my cigarette doesn't get wet.

Arlene: Where did you get it?

Jane: You can get them at any pharmacy.

The next day, Arlene hobbles herself into the local pharmacy and announces to the pharmacist that she wants a box...

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A man is walking through the grocery store, when a woman stops him and says

"I think you're the father of one of my kids!"

The guy stops for a moment. Then he snaps his fingers and points at her. "Wait! Aren't you that stripper from my bachelor party that I made love to on the pool table, while all my buddies watched, and your sidekick was spanking my ass with wet ce...

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A guy buys a vintage motorcycle he saw for sale in an ad in the paper.

When he goes to pick the bike up, the dude who sells him the bike says, "

"Now remember....that's all original leather. You can't let it get too wet. If it starts raining and you don't have anywhere to shelter it, make sure you keep a tub of vaseline with you. Rub it all over the seat so the ...

How is Hurricane Florence like my ex wife?

They start off wet and wild but in the end, they take your house.
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My cellphone got wet, so I put it in rice, but I don't think it's working.

The soy sauce just made things worse.
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You know what gets the girls wet?

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A rural farm wife called the local phone company to report her telephone failed to ring when her friends called and that on the few occasions, when it did ring, her dog always moaned right before the phone rang.

The telephone repairman proceeded to the scene, curious to see this psychic dog or senile lady.

He climbed a telephone pole, hooked in his test set, and dialed the subscriber's house. The phone didn't ring right away, but then the dog moaned and the telephone began to ring.

Climbing do...

To make it stand, you wet it.

To make it wet, you suck it.

To make it stiff, you lick it.

To get it in, you push it!

Damn! Threading a needle at any age is no joke.
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My wife got angry when I said her new candle smelled like wet dog and mildew...

But I was just giving my two scents on the topic
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My girl asked me to make her wet

I broke up with her and her eyes became wet. I don't understand why she's mad now
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I made a dozen girls instantly wet yesterday because of my physique

no one can beat me at doing a cannonball in the pool.
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Just had a wet dream about my ex

She got hit by a bus and i pissed myself laughing

While bathing my 6 year old son, he stuck a wet foam letter to my back.

I pulled the letter "P" away from my skin and my son said "Dad, I peed on your back!"

-true story, just happened.
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What should be the last lyric of Cardi Bā€™s song ā€œWet Ass Pussyā€?

The Aristocrats

Why is England such a wet country?

Because so many Kings and Queens have been reigning there.
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Guy says there is two things he hates, wet socks and dry pussy

Other guy says just put the socks in there

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An inexperienced young dude hooks up with a rather experienced MILF on Tinder...

They make out, when she says - hey, you ever had a 69? "No, what's that?", he replies. She says "let me show you", as she pulls down her undies and straddles his face, taking his dick in her mouth.

Few minutes into it, she's hot and bothered, and lets out the tiniest "feeeeeeeeepppp" fart war...

I made a lot of girls wet last year

but I ain't snatching umbrellas anymore.
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Why are hurricanes usually named after women?

Because when they come, they are wild and wet. But when they leave, they take your house and your car.
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Is lava wet?

Maybe so but Iā€™m not taking it for granite.
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Two elderly ladies are smoking outside...

It stared raining and one of the ladies pulls out a condom, cuts the end off and puts it over her cigarette so it won't get wet. The other lady thinks this is a great idea so she decides to head to the store to buy some condoms.
When she gets there she goes to the counter and asks the cashier fo...

A police officer responding to a gunshot call called his police chief.

"We got an old lady who shot her husband for walking on the floor after she just mopped it," he reported.

"Have you arrested her?" the chief asked.

"Nope. The floor's still wet," he replied.
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I almost had a wet dream last night. Very embarrassing...

Time to take matters into my own hands.
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What do you give an abusive pasta chef who always serves wet noodles?

A re-straining order.
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A wet joke

Why does water keep changing its state?

It's bipolar
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2 friends meet each other. Matt is afraid, while Lycas is wet.

Lucas says: "Why are you scared?". Then Matt replies: "Yesterday, I was driving my car and accidentally I hit deer. I tought it was dead, so I thrown it in a nearby lake. By the way, why are you wet?". Lucas replies: "I was going to a costume party, dressed like a deer. Then someone hit me, and then...
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Wet joke

It was chemistry class and the teacher asks-

"Can anyone tell me the chemical formula of water?"

Little Timmy raises hand.

"Yes, Timmy?"

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Whats similar between a hurricane and women?

They come in hot and wet and leave with **THE LAWN CHAIRS WE BOUGHT TOGETHER SARA YOU BITCH!**

What do a dog and a nearsighted gynecologist have in common?

A wet nose.
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NASA is currently investigating why Mars used to be warm and wet and now dry and cold.

My guess is 5-10 years of marriage.
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Tell a man there are 300 Billion stars in the universe and he'll believe you. Tell him a bench has wet paint on it...

... and he'll have to touch to be sure.
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Guy: "WAITER!! Why did you bring me a wet plate!?"

Waiter: "Thats the soup sir"
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Stupid kid joke: Why was the sand at the beach wet?

Because the sea wee'd.
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An old married couple are in church one dayā€¦ when the woman turns to her husband and says, ā€œIā€™ve just let out a really wet, silent fart. What should I do?ā€

The husband turned to her and says, ā€œReplace the battery in your hearing aid.ā€
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A Girl was towelling her wet Pussy..

She enjoyed it very much, and started rubbing it vigourosly..

until the pussy cried 'meoww'
and Ran Away....


1. Be kind to animals
2. Keep your thoughts clean
3. Good that she was not towelling her wet ass

Asses can be dangerous animals &...

Why was the basketball court all wet?

Because the players kept dribbling all over it.
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Why is the ocean wet?

Because it doesnā€™t have a towel.

(Courtesy of my son)
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Caution: Floor may be wet

Sorry for the incontinence
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What do you call a lotion that makes your eyes wet

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My friend came back from the bathroom with wet hands.

I noticed this.

I said, ā€œWow it looks like youā€™ve washed your hands.ā€

They say, ā€œNo, I just pissed on them so I can knock out two birds with one stone.ā€

What do you call an empty ring of wet wood chips?

Mulch a-dew about nothing
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Jesus and Moses are relaxing on a boat and talking about the good old days.

The subject of miracles comes up, and they decide to see if they can still perform them.

"It's been almost 4000 years since I did this one" Moses says, then raises his arms. The water parts, revealing the floor of the lake.

Jesus claps His hands and says "Good one! It's only been abo...
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I whispered in her ear what I would like to do to her and she said, "I'm getting really wet." "Turns you on, does it? I asked.

"Turns you on, does it? I asked. "No," she replied, "you dribble a lot."
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My panties are SO wet right now

Well, they would be, but Iā€™m not wearing any.

Because Iā€™m a man.

Look, what Iā€™m trying to say is I pissed my pants.

A Priest, Rabbi and Atheist walk into a bar and each ask for a drink.

The bartender, saying nothing and looking disdainful, points to a sign clearly labelled: NO JOKES SERVED HERE

Without a fight the Priest, Rabbi and Atheist leave the bar, heads hanging.

The next day a chicken walks in and plops down on the barstool.

Wiping the inside of a glass,...
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A man enters a pub, walks up to have a seat at the bar, and then pulls out a three-inch tall leprechaun from his front shirt pocket to set it on the bar top.

The man looks at the bartender and says, "Yo, I'd like to get a beer for me and an Irish wine for my little pal here!"

The bartender returns with the drinks in short time. The man drinks his beer, the leprechaun drinks all the Irish wine from the bottle. Only for it to suddenly stop in ...

Getting wet in the rain makes me sad...

I had to run fast. Iā€™d either escape the storm in time or cry drying.
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Why did the grain of rice wet himself?

A jokester made him 'pilaf'
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What color was the wet fart?

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