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What do you call the moisture between two hillbillies having sex?

Relative humidity.

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My therapist said the best treatment for depression is to vigorously rub salt into my skin in order to draw out excess moisture.

Wow thanks I'm cured.

What’s the white stripes favourite kind of moisture? Dew

dew dew dew dew dew dew dew dew dew dew dew dew dew dew dew dew dew dew dew dew dew dew dew dew dew dew dew dew

I started a company harvesting moisture from plants.

Business hasn't been great, but we're making dew.

Why don't witches get sweaty at the gym?

Because they wear moisture-Wiccan shirts.

A woman and her husband were arguing over the current precipitation...

The woman insisted it was drizzling outside while her husband said that really, it was just misting.

They decided that the argument would be settled by asking their elderly former soviet neighbor Rudolf.

Rudolf grimaced at the sky for a moment and held up a hand to catch so...

There is a popular belief that if you accidentally drop your mobile into the water....

you should put it in a bag full of rice and leave it over night to suck out the moisture. Recent studies shows this is not true. If you leave this bag over night chinese kids will come and repair your phone while you sleep. Rice is just their lunch. O.o :D

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A man goes to the doctor because he cannot get an erection...

The man says “Doctor, I’ve tried it all and can’t for the life of me get an erection. My wife and I are frustrated! Anything you can think of to help me out? I’ll try anything!” Doctor thinks for a few seconds and says “Well…this has worked for a few of my patients in the past. Doesn’t hurt to give ...

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The Fly (a tad long, but bear with me)

On a hot midsummer afternoon a fly was hovering over a pond thinking, "if I just go two inches down, the moisture from the pond will cool me".

But, unknown to the fly, a fish was watching the fly from under the water thinking, "if the fly comes just two inches down, I can jump up and gobble i...

There was a lad named John

There was a lad named John who was dealt a bad hand since he was born. He was an orphan who was brought up in a for profit orphanage, leading him to suffer mental trauma amongst other issues. After turning 16, he was kicked out of the orphanage with no support whatsoever. Not knowing what to do, he ...

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Three soldiers walk into a bathroom...

Three soldiers walk into a bathroom: an Ultramarine, a Blood Angel, and an Imperial Guardsman. They each head to a urinal and begin to do their business.

The Ultramarine finishes first, and walks over to wash his hands. Washing his hands, he uses plenty of soap and water, spends a long time s...

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A beautiful woman comes to see the doctor...

and the doctor´s jaw drops. He has never seen anyone so beautiful. The woman was a hot latino chick and the doctor got an idea.

"I am sorry, but I think we need to do some tests. So, take off your shirt, please."

The doctor starts to squeeze the woman´s breasts, and asks:

"Do y...

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