radiancalculusunit circlequotient rulegeometryserieshypotenuseeuler's formuladerivativeintegralacute anglecomplex planesquare rootcomplex numberpower series

My son used to be horrible at graphing trig functions.

Luckily he's made excellent sines of improvement.

What do you call a blind trig function?


Do you know any maths jokes?

Yeah |ly|

When I was learning trigonometry my teacher explained the trig functions by referencing the unit circle. And when I asked about the unit circle she referred me to the functions.

I said miss this seems like circular reasoning to me

ln(x) is hosting a calculus party....

and all the functions are invited. Some of them are radical, at least 1/3 of them are rational, and like all parties, there are a few odd ones talking to their imaginary friends. Amidst all of this revelry, ln(x) is talking to some trig functions, when he sees his friend e^x sulking in a corner.

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