right trianglecosineunit circlemathematicsreal numbertrianglecomplex numberanglesinusoidallogarithmicradiantransliterationaryabhatiyagupta periodindian astronomy

What did Sine and Cos say to each other?

Nothing; They just waved.

As a child I was obsessed with the difference between cosine and sine

As I got older I realized it was just a phase

Sine, cosine and ln(x) are at a party

Sine approaches cosine and says, "Hey, what's ln(x) doing over in the corner by himself?". Cosine responds, "You see, ln(x) doesn't integrate very well".

An ultra low frequency sine wave walk into a bar.

The bartender says, “Why the long phase?”

Why are sine waves not cosine waves?

cos sine waves are different.

He died for our sines

Parent to Teacher: Our Son doesn't need to do math, 'cause he's a prophet! Prophets don't do math! Would you make Jesus do math?"

Teacher: Jesus was a carpenter. He knew his math.

I've been reading a book about the shape of the mathematical functions of sine and cosine...

It has its ups and downs...

Why didn't sine cross the road?


I would also look towards the sky before my trigonometry test

I was looking for a sine from up above

A young adult named Bob enters a confessional

Bob: “Forgive me father, for I have sined.”

Priest: “It’s pronounced ‘sinned’, but that’s unimportant, what have you done?”

Bob: “I divided the opposite side by the Hypotenuse on a right triangle”

A thief stole a sine and a cosine... He took the two identities to a beach. However, they were too heavy for him to carry.

He wanted to keep them under the sand, but the beach was so narrow that it could only contain one of them: sine or cosine. He decided that, using his mathematical skills, that he would stack sine over cosine - but that resulted in tan! He did not want to get tan. So he stacked cosine over sine... <...

Mr Sine and Miss Cosine go on their honeymoon..

Mr Sine and Miss Cosine get married and head for their honeymoon to a seaside destination. So they're chilling by the beach, and sipping on their drinks, and things get naughty soon. During a lovemaking session on the beach, Sine whispers into Cosine's ear, "It's a good thing I'm not on top, or we'...

What do you call it when your clock goes up and down in waves

A sine of the times

Mr. Sine and his missus Cosine went for their honeymoon on a beach

Mr. Sine and his missus Cosine went for their honeymoon on a beach and got a Tan.

When they returned it took them a Sec to find that they needed a new Cot.

I got fired from my job as a math teacher

I was supposed to teach the kids what sine divided by cosine was, but I kept going off on a tangent.

I found out my friend is addicted to math.

I should have known. All the sines were there. He had a hard time functioning, and he would go off on tangents all the time. Such a shame - he was in his prime, his life was on a great vector. He wanted to write the next 'Matrix'. But now, he can't differentiate between what is real and what is imag...

How Does a Deaf Mathematician Say Hello?

With a Sine Wave!

My maths teacher always goes off on tangents in class

They say it’s the first sine of madness

Your momma's so fat, she's like the negative cosine of X...

They both go down after pi

An angel once visited me but only described the measurements of a triangle to me.

Its felt like a sine from God

I always prayed before my trigonometry tests..

I was hoping for a sine from above

How do deaf mathematicians communicate?

Through sine language.

My teacher frowned at me when I handed in my trigonometry test paper

I don't think that's a good sine

A mysterious force drug a pirate ship closer to the Bermuda Triangle, alarming the captain.

The captain asked the lookout in the the crow's nest what he saw.

The lookout replied, "Captain, we be sailing tangent to stormy seas. It be a sine the secant be good."

The captain responded, "Aye, the sea put this here crew in a triggy situation."

My son used to be horrible at graphing trig functions.

Luckily he's made excellent sines of improvement.

What language should you speak on Pi day?

Sine language!

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