
If poli=many and tics are small bloodsucking animals

The world makes so much sense

I annoyed my friend so he mixed up my Tic Tacs.

That's one of his Tac Tics.

What do Libertarians call Tic Tacs?

Tics, because they’re against tacses

TIL: Where does the word "politics" come from.

From poly, Greek for many, and tics, English for pesky parasites.

This joke may contain profanity. 🤔

Johnny's teacher noticed him walking down the street one Saturday--

She was used to Little Johnny's antics by now, but this time was weird, even for him. He was holding a cat, and what looked like a pack of Tic-tacs. He would walk for a little bit, stop, eat a couple of candies, bite the cat, and start walking again.

When they got close enough, she asked, "Li...

Have you guys heard about these mints that improve your strategic thinking abilities?

They're called Tac Tics.

Explaining Words

Poli.....Latin for "many"

Tics....blood sucking insects


My boy asked me how to get a kiss on the first date. I told him to plan ahead and get some breath mints.

Tac Tics my son, Tac Tics

What Do You Call a Ocean Raider Tired of His Pet Bird's Muscle Spasms?

What do you call a ocean raider tired of his pet bird's muscle spasms?

A pirate tired of polly tics.

Revolutionary medicine that cures Lyme Disease, but causes Tourette’s

Now that’s gonna cause a lot of nervous tics

I've invented a new game. You use small breath mints as playing pieces in the old-fashioned match-3-in-a-row game. I'd be happy to teach you my strategy for winning this game, but I'll have to charge you a small fee:

Call it a Tic Tac Tic-Tac-Toe Tactics Tax.

I always thought the origin of the word "politics" was a strangely accurate description of itself.

"Poli-" meaning "many",

"-tics" meaning "bloodsucking parasites."

How do you know if a deer has tourette's syndrome?

It has deer tics...

How did the doctor cure the woman with Tourette's?


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