timertimepiecetimenanosecondmainspringtimekeepingchronographchronometerclockwatchtimekeepertourbillonatomic clockbeepdials

I once dated the inventor of the stopwatch.

That was my 15.535 seconds of fame.
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I was flirting really well with this woman in the bar.

"Do you want me to show you a good time?" she asked.

"Of course, babe," I grinned eagerly.

"Get your stopwatch out then," she snapped, "and see how long it takes me to get to the other side of the club."
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Joke for economics nerds

A physicist and an economist are invited to a classroom to make a presentation to get the children interested in their field of study. The physicist goes first.

He produces a ball and announces, “I will time this ball falling to the ground and, without looking at the stopwatch, tell you how l...
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Donald Trump and Mike Pence are running around the White House…

After they finish their lap they check their stopwatch which says 10:38,Mike Pence asks if thats a white house record, Trump says no Bush did 9:11
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President Obama is doing his morning exercises...

...and jogging around the White House grounds when one of the Secret Service agents suggests he should see how fast he can circle the White House ten times. After all, it is a presidential tradition to try it at least once, and being moderately athletic, he figured he'd make pretty good time. So he ...
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School Projects are fun

A science teacher sent off his year 8 class with a homework task, come up witch a science experiment, and either film it to show to the class, or show the experiment in front of the class next week.

Tim went home and thought long and hard about what he would do, but he came in next week with ...
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