specialityspecializationfortespecialismstrengthspecialisationdistinctivenesspeculiaritymetierspecialnesslong suitstrong pointspecialistspecializedspecialize

A guy goes into a restaurant for lunch.

After careful consideration, he decides he will have a bowl of the day's soup. The waiter praises him for his decision.

"Ah, excellent choice. The chef makes the soup fresh each day from only the freshest, locally-sourced ingredients. It is completely organic, and there are no additives or pr...
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The Psychiatrist & The Proctologist

Best friends graduated from medical school at the same time and decided that, in spite of two different specialties, they would open a practice together to share office space and personnel. Dr. Smith was the psychiatrist and Dr. Jones was the proctologist. They put up a sign reading: "Dr. Smith and ...

So a family practitioner, a gynecologist, a surgeon, and a mortician go duck hunting....

NOTE BEFORE YOU READ: This joke is most often told amongst doctors, and you need to know a little bit about medical sub-specialties to get it.

A family practitioner, a gynecologist, a surgeon, and a mortician go hunting.

After a while in the woods, they spot a bird flying overhead. Th...
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Three different tribesmen get together in a meeting..

The First Tribesmen: My People Can touch the SKY

Other Two: The Sky?

The First Tribesmen: Well... a little lower than that

The Second Tribesmen: Well our people can touch the deepest part of the eart

The Other two: The deepest part?

The Second Tribesmen: Well... a ...
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A doctor joke

(You May only get if you understand the nature of the different medical specialties)

A surgeon, internist, radiologist, and pathologist go duck hunting for the first time.

They are huddled in the duck blind and the first bird goes flying in front of them, but they can’t clearly make o...

Regular customer visits a brothel

But he is bored, and has tried everything on the menu. He wants something new, something that’ll blow his mind (no pun intended).

So he asks the clerk about any specialties for today.

-“We do have a new addition, it’s this Asian girl that can sing while she sucks you off, and she only ...
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