Normally boring and sedimentary. But hilarious when thrown at someone
Why do geologist keep some of the rocks they collected?
Because it has sedimentary value
What did Sherlock Holmes say to his sidekick once they had found the stolen Sandstone statue?
It's sedimentary my dear Watson!
How do you get a kidney stone?
By living a sedimentary life style.
Why was the Geology book Thick.
Because it was sedimentary.
Why are some rocks so lazy?
They live a sedimentary lifestyle.
What do you call a Graveyard built on sandstone?
A sedimentary.
The stormy seafarer
One stormy evening, a seafarer was thrown overboard whilst passing through the strait of Dover. As luck would have it, the ocean currents pulled him unconscious to the English coastline, where he was found and revived by a man adorned in a cape, deerstalker hat and smoking a pipe.
When coming...
Upon discovery of some sandstone deposits in a dried-up river, Mr. Watson questioned Sherlock Holmes on how he could be so sure it's sandstone.
"Why, it's sedimentary, my dear Watson!"
Our Earth Science Class took a fieldtrip to a place where scientists drill through sedimentary rocks for specimens of local strata, but I didn't really enjoy the trip.
It was just boring.
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Sherlock Holmes and Watson are called to investigate a murder at a quarry one day...
When they arrive at the scene of the crime, it's already been taped off and other investigators are there. Holmes and Watson push their way to the front as they typically do and start going to work.
"Holmes, look at this, what is it?" Watson asked.
"Why that's the butt end of a cigar o...
Holmes is on the case...
Sherlock Holmes is investigating a murder where the culprit had used a knife carved from Sandstone. Dr. Watson finds the choice of murder weapon odd. "Holmes, who would kill another man with an Igneous rock?" "Sedimentary, my dear Watson, Sedimentary..."
Holmes and Watson were investigating a murder at an archaeological dig-site
Holmes picks up several of the rocks and pebbles surrounding the murder victim. After a while, Holmes turns to his companion and says "I've cracked the case. The suspect was clearly murdered with a blow to the head by a rock, which then crumbled and scattered into pieces."
"How on Earth can y...
I've been training as a sculptor for months but I'm not very good at it. Just the other day I made an Elk from limestone which I thought was good, but my art teacher Mr Watson couldn't work out what it was.
I said to him surely he could see it was sedimentary, my deer, Watson.
A brilliant scientist successfully creates a lifelike deer cyborg.
Dr. Holmes, after many years of biotechnological research, finally succeeded in his secret project, using funds diverted from his research grant. Because the project needed to be kept off the records, Dr. Holmes kept the deer at home.
The cyborg would grow and develop just as a normal fawn wo...
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