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The Boy Scouts just added a level after Eagle


Why does nobody like playing FPS games with Boy Scouts?

Because they're good at camping.

(Credit goes to the Scout's Life magazine I got today for making one of the worst scout jokes I've ever seen.)

Scouts are an easy-going bunch.

But they can be in tents

How many boy scouts does take to change a lightbulb?

One. But it takes a few days, because he only gives it a good turn daily.

Why are Boy Scouts annoying to play video games with?

Because they’re good at camping!

How are socks like Boy Scouts?

They always come pre-paired.

Why don't Boy Scouts sell cookies?

Because who would buy a cookie with BS on the box.

My son was worried about going to a Boy Scouts meeting for the first time...

I told him he had knotting to worry about.

Why do the scouts always get coal from Santa?

Because they're all on the knotty list

What do Boy Scouts and bondage fetishists have in common?

Knot a lot.

Some boy scouts are sitting around a campfire...

Some boy scouts are sitting around a camp fire and begin to tell some jokes. The first one lets out a chuckle and says, "13". The rest of the scouts chuckle and another says, "Heh, 6". This gets a good laugh from most of them and a third replies with "8". At this point they are at the point of tears...

What do baseball scouts look for when they go to a Mexican restaurant?


I'm going to sabotage the winners' tents in the next boy scouts competition...

I'll knock them down a peg or two

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Call of Duty is like the Boy Scouts,

everyone's gay, and there's a lot of camping.

Why did the gamer refuse to join the Boy Scouts?

He hates camping

My son went on a camping adventure with the Boy Scouts group

He told me it was in tents.

The Boy Scouts came up with the strongest knot in the world...

You just leave a pair of earbuds in your pocket while you're hiking.

[NSFW] Why did Roy Moore never miss a local Girl Scouts' meeting?

Because Brownies are delicious.

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A priest, rabbi, lawyer, and boy scouts were on an airplane.

The airplane is going down. There are only enough parachutes for a few of them.

The rabbi says, 'I'm an old man. We should give the parachutes to the boy scouts. Save them."

The lawyer responds, "What?! FUCK THE BOY SCOUTS!"

The priest quickly checks his watch, "DO WE HAVE TIME!...

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A blonde a Catholic and a Boy Scout

So a blonde going on vacation, and a Boy Scout on his way to retreat with his father get on a small aircraft with the pilot who is an old and devout catholic.

The pilot sees the Boy Scout is shouldering a large pack and takes it from him, laying it near the door. They all take their seats an...

The Boy Scouts were out collecting bottles as a fund raiser. One ambitious but nervous young man knocked on a door and a sour-faced woman came to the door:

She: "What do you want, Sonny?"

He: "D-d-do you have any beer bottles for the Boy Scouts, M-m-m-ma'am?"

She: "Well! Do I look like the kind of lady who would drink beer?"

He: "S-s-sorry, Ma'am ... W-w-what about vinegar bottles?"

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What is the difference between Boy Scouts and Jews?

The Boy Scouts came home from camp

I heard they're letting girls join the boy scouts now.

They're going to help the boys pitch a tent.

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An officer, a lawyer, a priest and three boy scouts are on a plane tumbling from the sky. They only have three parachutes.

The officer says "save the boys they have their whole lives ahead of them!" The lawyer says "fuck the boys I want to live!" The priest says "when do we start?"

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