
With the cost of living crisis, it has finally happened. The poor are revolting.

No surprise really, given the cost of soap now.
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Messenger: Your majesty, the peasants are revolting !

The King: You're absolutely right. They stink on ice !
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Today, I realized that my peasants really are revolting.

They do not bathe even before executing their king.
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My girlfriend and I purchased a Great Dane, and now the smell around our house is absolutely revolting.

Every time he barks I shit myself.

What is revolting and craved by the Chinese?

Hong Kong
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On a beautiful Sunday afternoon in the midst of the French Revolution the revolting citizens led an attorney, a doctor and an engineer to the guillotine.

They ask each if he wants to face up or down when he meets his fate. The attorney wishes to face the sky. They raise the blade of the guillotine and release it. It comes speeding down and suddenly stops just inches from his neck. The authorities take this as divine intervention and release the attor...
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On CNN I just saw a headline that said "Reddit Revolts"

My first thought was, "Mr. CNN reporter. You don't know the internet very well do you. Reddit is revolting every day"
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Never buy a second electric car from Chevy.

It's revolting.
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I knew a guy who got an electric Chevy as a gift, but he didn't want it and just gave it to someone else.

Frankly, I find that to be revolting.
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The king's guard bursts into the throne room...

Out of breath and in a panic they alert the king
> Sire, the peasants, they're revolting!

The king nods and responds:
>Mmm yes, they are quite disgusting aren't they
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I’m so sick of Tesla jokes

They’re revolting
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The Last Fight

The battle was long, perilous, and gruesome. The twins made it through nearly three quarters of the enemy battalion before reaching the final lines of the fray. They saw the end stretching over the thin horizon.

With their dwindling energy, they let out another strained cry for battle, and l...
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Shock me once, shame on you.

Shock me twice, that's just revolting.
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A king sends a scout to the northern part of his territory.

The scout returns and rushes to the King to deliver his report.
"Your Grace, the northerners are revolting!"

The King replies, "I do know that they don't take a bath that often, but isn't it a bit too rude to call them that?"
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Why was the king so disgusted by the peasants?

They were revolting.
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I'm still treating my burn

Older Englishman and I like to trade insults at work, and this happened...

Him: Oh dear, was having a good day and you show up.

Me: Don't make me start another Revolution to kick the rest of the English out.

Him (instantly): Well, you've been revolting for years.
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Did you hear about the protest from the sewer dwellers?

They were revolting.
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you're like an english peasant in the 1300s

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Why do anarchists smell so bad?

Because they're *revolting*
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TIL King George III had a strong distaste for The Colonies

In fact he found them revolting.
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The blissful marriage

Wife stumbles through back door at 6am. Husband sipping his whisky snorts “What time do you call this, you stupid fat pig?”.

“Shut you obese revolting face. Some of us have to work to keep you stocked up with bacon and booze. And before you say anything else, the fleet is in, I made $400.50 s...

Why couldn't the founding fathers ever get a date?

They were revolting
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A servant runs into the kings room

The servant out of breath proclaims "Sir the peasants are revolting"

The king worried leaps to the window only to see a few peasants walking calmly down the road. Confused he turns back to the servant and inquires on what he meant.

The servant with a hand to his stomach replies "have y...
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The Nudist Club


A man joins an extremely exclusive nudist club. The first day in the camp he undresses and starts walking around a bit uncomfortably. The first person he meets is an extremely beautiful busty blonde and the man gets an erection immediately. The woman notices his erection, comes up to h...
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A man is walking down the street very hungry....

and he only has 2 dollars in his pocket. No matter where he looks, 2 dollars doesn't seem to buy him a meal. That is until he comes across a restaurant who specializes in chili, and they were having a special. One bowl of chili for 2 dollars! So the man walks into the restaurant and immediately sees...
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the Ogre and the Trids

Once upon a time long, long ago there were beings called Trids barely making a living on the side of a hill. They knew, however, that there was a beautiful field of valuable Flurd just on the other side of the hill, and if they could get their hands on some of that Flurd, their lives would improve i...
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