clientguestlymph nodelymph glandknotnodulepointcomputercomputer networkgangliacomputer sciencecelestial pointbinaryvectorparameter

Bubonic plague inflames your lymph nodes.

But pneumonic plague helps you to remember things

Why did the lymph cross the road?

Who nodes.

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My friend is a therapist. Last night we were going to play video games and he said he was having trouble getting one of the game controllers to communicate with the receiving node.

I told him they should use "I" statements.

This joke may contain profanity. 🤔

Little Johnny was sent home early from school one day.

His Dad seeing him walk into the house was visibly confused and asked Little Johnny why he was sent home.

"I failed my math test" he told his Dad.

"How!? We been studying all week for that stupid thing!" his dad replied angerly.

"First the teacher asked me 'What is ...

A guy walks into a bar..

He sits down and strikes up a conversation with the bartender
"hey, wanna make a bet?"
The bartender shows some interest
"What's the bet?"
The guy tells the bartender "if I can ask myself a question and answer it, you have to give me a free drink"
The bartender looks at the guy stra...

What Do Sound Waves Say To Girls They Meet Online?

Send nodes.

Why was the JavaScript developer sad?

Because he didn't Node how to Express himself


A Pakistani boy took admission in an American school ...

Teacher : Whats your name ?

Boy : Nadir

Teacher : No, now you are in America, your name is nodee from today.

Boy went home and his mother asked: How was the day Nadir?

Boy : I am an American now, so call me n...

A portrait painter is on his death bed when he asks his son to come close..

He says "Son, I'm dying. So listen closely." He sneezes on the boy's face. "I have a skin rash, dry cough, pink eye, diarrhea, headache, koplik's spots, sensitivity to light, sore throat, and/or swollen lymph nodes." Then he coughs on the boy's mouth. "So I want you to make sure that your brother...

An elderly man and his wife are losing their memory

An elderly man and his wife are losing their memory. Fearful that they may be developing early signs of dementia, Alzheimers, or the like, they speed off to their doctor. The doctor gives them a thorough examination and says, "Honestly, you are both in great shape and should take pride in your physi...

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