Some commentor tried to correct a journalist's misspelling of "grammar."
Then Andy Grammer said, "But... that's how you spell my surname."
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If I had a nicker for every misspelling on this sub...
I'd still be in a lot less trouble than you for saying that setup out loud.
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I've had a good friend for years but I've been misspelling his name the whole time
I should have Sean it coming
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An American is typing on a computer when he flies into a rage, shouting "How the hell am I misspelling color"?
A Canadian takes a quick look at the screen before rolling his eyes and walking away, saying "that sounds like a you problem".
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Ok so, bear with me here
That isn’t a misspelling, call animal control
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If you only bought one ticket you only get one sear
A man lay sprawled across three entire seats in a posh theater, as people were taking their seats for the show. When the usher came by and noticed this, he whispered to the man, “Sorry, sir, but you’re only allowed one seat.”
The man groaned but didn’t budge. The usher became impatient. “S...
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Little Johnny was a notoriously bad speller
He would always misspell words and just write them the way they sounded to a young child's ear. This was particularly embarrassing to his father, whose boss would always brag how clever his own son, Pete was.
One evening, the boss visited Little Johnny's house for dinner, bringing litt...
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