I bought an LP of wasp noises. When I played it the first track didn't sound like a wasp, nor did the second track. It was then I realised I was listening to the B side.
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I found an LP of wasp noises. Played three tracks that sounded nothing like a wasp.
Silly me. I was playing the bee side.
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Brian, the world's leading expert on European wasps and the sounds that they make, is taking a stroll down his local high street. As he passes by the record shop, a sign catches his eye. "Just Released - New LP - Wasps of the World & the sounds that they make - available now"
Unable to resist the temptation, Brian goes into the shop. "I am the world's leading expert on European wasps and the sounds that they make. I'd very much like to listen to the new LP you have advertised in the window."
"Certainly, Sir," says the young man behind the counter. "If you'd like t...
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Tried to buy a Charlie Brown LP on ebay and got a Davy Jones album instead.
You know what they say.
You pay Peanuts, you get Monkees.
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Dear Dr. Jones, I'm writing to tell you my problem. It seems I have been married to a sex maniac for the past 22 years
He makes love to me regardless of what I am doing, whether ironing, washing dishes, sweeping, even sending e-mails, etc.
I would like to know if there is anything that ucnn hlp m wth nd f unothel gothsl ehj fpslth fjsl;s;;o{O} .lp sld mpskdli dlks; a;ld ;;'
Ccinsely ous,,, mdyl
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Parker seeks the help of International Rescue for something out of the ordinary...
"You have to help me, Mr. Tracy. It's Lady Penelope. She has gone crazy! "
"Gone crazy, Parker? What do you mean by that?"
"It's her drinking....She cannot restrain herself. Every evening for five months she's been in the bar, drinking heavily, disturbing everybody and being utterly un...
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