zvezdarussian languagespace shuttleskylabdragontranquilitynaukamirsts-134uzlovoy moduleexpedition 1cosmic raycupolasoyuzunity

Is the capital of Kentucky pronounced Loo-iss-ville or Loo-ee-ville?

Wrong. It's pronounced Frank-fort.
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An astronaut is making coffee onboard the ISS...

He turns to his crewmate and says:
"Damn, I can't find any milk for my coffee."

The crewmate replies:
"In space no one can, here use cream."
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Why are people on the ISS in perfect health?

They're never under the weather
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The Institute of Incomplete Studies (ISS)

determined that 7 out of 10 people
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What do you call marmalade on the ISS?

Space Jam.
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Why do astronauts on the ISS never spend much time in queues?

Because they weightless.
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If you take goat milk onto the ISS...

... it becomes oat milk.
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"This is Mission Control speaking, it appears the center of ISS has been critically damaged, is that true?"

"Core wrecked".
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The astronauts aboard the ISS radioed NASA saying they'd seen a new object from their orbit.

Turns out you really can see Zelensky's balls from space.

If I got added to the ISS

It would be ISIS.
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Two astronauts are aboard the ISS.

One astronaut loses focus while in the airlock, and floats back outward.

The second astronaut lunges forward on a tether and grabs him before they can go too far, and goes back into the airlock.

"What the hell man?" Shouted the second astronaut. "You could have died!"

"Sorry, I ...
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Why do the ISS astronauts wear suspenders?

Because their pants are constantly falling down.
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Elon Musk announces he will visit ISS till Covid-19 stabilises.

And nobody even assumed this is a joke.
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Why is it a bad idea to let dogs onboard the ISS?

Because they would keep barking at the vacuum in space
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I had a chance to buy an ant that had been on a recent trip to the ISS...

But it was too exorbitant for an ex-orbit ant.
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An astronaut was ejected from the ISS naked.

It's OK, though. He felt no pressure.
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Ole and Sven are elderly friends who die in a snowmobiling accident, drunker than skunks And go to Hell.

The Devil observes that they are really enjoying themselves.

He says to them

‘Doesn’t the heat and smoke bother you?’

Ole replies, ‘Vell, ya know, ve’re from nordern Minnesooota, da land of snow an ice, an ve’re yust happy fer a chance ta varm up a little bit, ya know.’

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A Russian, a Mexican, and a Korean all show up to a construction site and get hired.

The boss says that for their first day on the job, the Russian is in charge of concrete, the Mexican is in charge of wood, and the Korean is in charge of supplies.

The boss then leaves and comes back a few hours later to check up on his new workers.

He walks over to the Russian, and al...
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An astronaut returns from working in the ISS, and his friends and family all want to know what it was like in space.

At his welcome back barbeque, he talked about the different foods he ate, how he bathed, and other quirks of living without gravity. The party quieted down, and one of his friends approached to ask the question everybody wanted to know, but nobody wanted to ask.

"Didn't you have time to jack ...

Red Moon

NASA is getting transmission from their moon mission astronauts.

“Houston, we have a problem. Russians just landed on the moon.”

“It’s OK, continue your mission, ignore the Russians.”

“Houston, we have a problem. Russians started to paint moon red.”

“It’s OK, continue you...
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Idk if this is a repost but here goes

A psychiatrist is talking to one of his most difficult patients. "Let's go back to what you said last time, about how all of your troubles began, what was it, a year ago?"

"Sure thing, Doc. Well, as I said, I had gotten into the Airbnb scene at the time, and I had a couple of, "tenants", as i...
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There is terrible accident in ISS, leaving only one American astronaut alive. All the communications are dead, but he has lots of food, water and oxygen to survive. Finally after two years he is able manufacture escape pod and lands in rural Texas.

He makes his way to closest town and ent...
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An Outbreak Causes an Early Dismissal at the School

Little Edgar is brought back to class from ISS. As he enters the room, Edgar hears his teacher instruct the students.

Teacher: The same water is in your homes, so to prevent yourselves from being infected with E. Coli, don't drink or brush your teeth with any water that has not been boiled.<...

The leaders of Russia, North Korea and the United States fly up to the international space station...

Upon their arrival, they all marvel at the view of the earth from such magnificent heights. They begin to toss around ideas of ways they could all benefit from the ISS.

The Russian leader talks about all of the opportunities to use imaging to spy on people from outerspace. The other leaders ...
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John and Mike, both of whom had harelips, hadn't seen each other for 10 years since high school. They happen to run into each other on the street, but John no longer has a harelip.

Mike cries "Yohn! Iss peen so yong thinth I theen you! Put tell me whad' happen wiss your harelip?" John says, "It's amazing isn't it? I don't know why it happened, but one night my wife gave me oral sex, and when I woke up the next day it was all healed. Promise me you'll try the same thing and see...

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The Telling Tale of Oliver Tin

When he was young, Oliver Tin knew nothing about what he wanted to do, except that he wanted to do everything.

At the age of 5, he had already mastered reading, and had grown bored of all the literature he could find, fiction or not. Oliver Tin took this boredom as an obligation to produce wo...

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