deliberatewillfulunintentionalknowingtheory of minddesignedintentionallyfashionedintendedintentionalityinadvertentundesignedflagrantegregiousunlawful

Did you hear about the guy with a foot fetish who would intentionally lose?

He loved the smell of da feet!
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What is the difference between intentionally and by mistake?

The presence of a witness.
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Why was the serial killer intentionally bad at bowling?

He preferred to gut her.
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Police: Sir, did you or did you not just intentionally make that woman fall down?

Man: Yes, I was trying to prove a point.

Police: what point?

Man: I don't need to leave the country to trip abroad.
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What does the cake say at the government printing office retirement party?

This cake intentionally left blank
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Two aliens land on Earth in the middle of nowhere near a gas station and one of them gets out to make first contact.

He goes to the gas pump and says "Hello, we're from outer space, and we'd like to establish relations, how can I find your leader?"

Obviously, the pump doesn't respond so the alien is rather annoyed by such rudeness but he tries again.

"Yeah so we're just trying to get in touch with yo...

My wife and I tried using a ouija board.

She refuses to believe that i'm not intentionally moving the planchette. I cant help that any time she asks it a question it replies with "GIVE ANAL".
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My sister is becoming a real jerk

With everything that's been happening in society, my sister Sharon has become a real jerk. The other day she intentionally sneezed on some produce at the grocery store. And just yesterday she called the police on a black guy who was minding his own business. I asked my mom, "why is Sharon being s...

An old Chinese story

A village was terrorized by a demon. The demon attacked people, ate their livestock, trampled their fields, screamed when they tried to sleep, blew out their lights, pinched their babies, threw their dinners on the floor, broke bowls, intentionally sang off key, and was a real nuisance. The villager...
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So I'm cleaning out my refrigerator and couldn't help to notice what a great blue cheese selection I have.

Not intentionally.
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I do all my own stunts

But never intentionally.
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A woman finds hair in her burger.

A woman gets free meals onece every week by complaining that she has a hair in her order by intentionally putting her own hair.
The fourth week, manager gets pissed and asks to meet all of the employees at the restaurant including waiters, sweepers, cooks, men at the counter, bouncer and the mana...

A recent archeological dig has uncovered a set of 2300 year old Roman gold rings, with a small golden figure of a Tick attatched to it, missing all its legs...

Archeologists originally believed it to be simple wear and tear, until it was discovered there were no signs of soldering on the bodies of the golden ticks, indicating they were intentionally made legless. A professor on the scene theorized that these rings were a gesture of romantic interest or a p...
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Two scientists walk into a bar.

The first scientist says, "I'll have some H20."
The second scientist says, "I'll have a glass of water, too, Wh.. why did you say H20? Like, I know it's the chemical formula for water and all. but it's the end of the day and there's really no need to intentionally over-complicate things like tha...
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