
I can count the number of generations of inbreeding in my family on one hand

It's 12

If life was a RPG and inbreeding was a skill set

The royal family would be at the top of the tier

A Habsburg walks into a bar and the bartender asks: "Hey why the long face?"

He says: "Generations of inbreeding"

Husband and wife having an argument

Husband and wife are having an argument and the wife says "It would have been better if I married to the devil instead of you!". The husband looks at his wife and goes "That's inbreeding."

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They are a bunch of royal bitches!

I ran into a man at a pub near Buckingham palace. I watched in amazement, as he pounded down pint after pint, so I decided I would find out more about him.

I sat down next to him, and I offered to buy him the next pint. He agreed, and I took the opportunity to ask him why he was drinking so h...

Xhyr'noth the defiler, an ancient cosmic horror, decides to visit earth to go pub crawling through the US.

In the first state everyone at the pub runs off in terror. As the humanoid looking abomination filled with eyes and tentacles warps in and orders a beer. The police and military is informed but doesn't know what to do yet. The bartender doesn't care because he has suicidal depression and rather stri...

Before John was a traveling salesmen

Before John was a traveling salesman he worked door to door on foot. He actually came from an upper middle class family but had a healthy work ethic and a humble yet dull nature from aristocratic inbreeding a few generations back..

It was his birthday and his eccentric mother had told John he...

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Why is there so much "twang" in Country music?

It is the sound a guitar makes after six or seven generations of inbreeding.

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Her Majesties Corgis

One day a man was enjoying a pint at a pub located near Buckingham Palace. While he sat there, he couldn't help but notice another man drinking pint after pint with a gloomy face. Being a nice fellow, he decided to chat with the gentleman, and had the barkeep buy him a pint, as he sat next to him....

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