Ever notice that regular gouda is square, yet smoked gouda is circular?
Smoking really does take the edge off.
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So I gouda cheesy pun.
But I'ma Swiss it out for somethin' chedder.
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What do you call a well behaved dog that loves cheese?
A Gouda-Boy.
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Why was the cheesemaker so shy?
He was not Gouda conversation
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I was going to tell a joke about gouda.
It would have been too cheesy...
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Why are Mexican train conductors so hard to convict?
Because they always have loco motives.
Cheddar, Gouda, Parmesan, Swiss, just making sure this will be the cheesiest post ever!
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I am unhappy with my made up, mediocre cheesy joke about my bad grammar.
I want to make a gouda one.
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This joke may contain profanity. 🤔
No chemistry
An enzyme asks a tall, cool glass of milk out on a date. The enzyme takes the milk out to a fancy steakhouse and later to an ice cream shop for dessert. At the end of the night, the enzyme asks, "So, you wanna come up to my place for some coffee?" The milk says, "Sorry, this isn't what I'm looking f...
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My girlfriend yelled at me
"I can't stand it anymore! I'm sick of your stupid and cheesy jokes! I'm leaving!"
"Gouda," I replied.
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Why was the cheese depressed?
Because it was bleu....
I know I know cheesy joke.. but surely we can all agree it was still gouda.
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I got a bunch of really cheesy jokes
They're really Gouda, I promise.
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Everything is better with cheese
Macaroni? Good. Macaroni and Cheese? Gouda.
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I always get told its neither the time nor the place for cracking really cheesy puns at work
Now I'm not sure about the time but I guess this is as gouda place as any....
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Why did the cheese get promoted?
He was gouda his job
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A cheesemonger slapped an Indian girl's behind then proceeded to ask her out
She told that munster to gouda hell.
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What's Emperor Palpatine's favorite kind of cheese?
"Gouda, gouda..."
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Is Edam the best Dutch cheese you can buy?
Or is there a Gouda one?
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A new hired cheese maker wasn't sure if he was adding enough cream. So he asked his boss.
His boss replied, "That's gouda nuff"
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My friends hate my cheese jokes.
They said that they're no Gouda
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