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F**ck cheesy chat-up lines, we need better break-up lines:

Hey baby, are you being followed? Because I've been seeing people behind your back.

Is it hot in here, or are you just suffocating me in this relationship?

I didn't know angels flew this close to the ground. Maybe that's because this angel's gained a little weight since we started goin...

Someone told me cake jokes are cheesy.

I'm pretty sure mine's batter.
(attempt at a cake day joke)
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This might sound so cheesy

but I think you are really grate.
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Why didn't the man find the cheesy jokes funny?

He was lactose intolerant.
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What’s Christ’s favorite cheesy cracker?

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If I keep making all these cheesy puns

I'm gonna be provalone forever!
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My girlfriend says my jokes are too cheesy

Frankly my dear, I don't give Edam.
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Reddit, what is your best cheesy joke?

I'm talking the jokes that you find insanely hilarious, and everyone else just either groans or stares blankly when you tell it. I'll start.

'Been teaching hobbits how to play cricket. Bilbo's good at catching, but he can't really Frodo.'

Every. Fucking. Time.

What starts with e, ends with e, and only contains one letter?

an Envelope
EDIT: My deepest Canadian apologies to those who are calling this a riddle. I always took it as a cheesy joke
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Was my last joke too cheesy for y'all?

Or are y'all just laugh-tose intolerant?
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My girlfriend dropped this on me after some Tex-Mex last night ...

"I'm chilly"

She steps closer and takes my hand

"Will you be my con queso?"

And before I could even respond ...

"Sorry, was that too cheesy for you?"
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So I gouda cheesy pun.

But I'ma Swiss it out for somethin' chedder.
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What's better than a good, cheesy joke?

A grated cheesy joke !
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I asked my dad why he tells cheesy jokes.

He said, “Like any quality cheese, because ‘mold”.
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I would give you guys a cheesy joke

But you're probably lactose intolerant.
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I know this is cheesy but...

"Why was the math book so sad?"

" Because it had too many problems!"
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I got a bunch of really cheesy jokes

They're really Gouda, I promise.
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I try to be cheesy when I make jokes.

Unfortunately, everyone I know is laughtose intolerant.
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What do you call a cheesy baby deer on your lawn in the morning?

Fawn dew.
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Super cheesy joke my dad told me over the holiday

Three ropes walk into a bar.
The first rope walks up to the bar and orders three drinks. The bartender gruffly says, "We don't serve your kind here!"
Walking back to his friends, the rope relays the news. The second rope says, "Let me give it a try."
Upon reaching the bar he's also quickly...
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Who doesn't like cheesy puns...

They're just so grate!
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The jokes about food on this sub are cheesy.

The jokes about food on this sub are cheesy......

I mean I'm not wrong.
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Some Cheesy Jokes:

What cheese do you use to hide a horse? Mascarpone!

What cheese do you use to get a bear down from a tree? Camembert!

What cheese is made backwards? Edam!

Why did the cheese board blow away? Because of the strong Bries!

What did the cheese day when it looked in the mirror...
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I love to tell cheesy jokes

But all my friends are laughtose intolerant
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I am unhappy with my made up, mediocre cheesy joke about my bad grammar.

I want to make a gouda one.
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I was going to tell you a cheesy pun

but all the gouda jokes havarti been told.
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The band was playing cheesy 80s music

So I ran, I ran so far away.
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I got a really cheesy joke I wanna share

Never mind it's not too grate.

Damn I suck.
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Cheesy joke I made up

My teacher said to make something original for the project, but due to it being Opposite Day, that meant UNoriginal

So the next day I walked in with nothing and my teacher asked,”Where’s your project?”

And I said I’m right here.
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I'm so tired of seeing cheesy puns on reddit all the time...

I swiss they would just stop already.
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People really hate my cheesy puns...

but I'm quite fondue of them.
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I have just bought myself a new cheese grater

Must say, grate things came out of this.

(edit - sorry for the cheesy joke)
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I would post a cheesy joke in reference to Gone With the Wind...

But frankly, my dear, I don’t give Edam
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Series of Cheesy Jungle Jokes

I always like to tell these in a series. I also like to milk jokes (drag them out a little longer than you would expect) so prepare for the cheese. There's a little flexibility in how you tell these jokes, and if you have any other jokes about jungle animals you can mix them in, but some of the orde...
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I told my wife so many cheesy jokes

That she called me a muenster
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Cheesy pun

I once had a dream about cheese. It was all gouda until a muenster appeared and started chasing me
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I'd share a cheesy joke but...

I'm laughtose intolerant :(
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A Cheesy Joke

My family spent all of today calling me by different cheese names. I told them I just wanted to be left provolone.
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What is it called when a chameleon can no longer change colors?

A reptile dysfunction.

Here's a Cheesy Joke For You.

Past, Present, and Future walked into a bar.

It was Tense.
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List of cheesy jokes

How do you organize a space party- you planet

What do you call a cow with no legs- ground beef

What do you get when dinosaurs crash their cars- T Rex

What do you call an everyday potato- commentator

How do you put a baby alien to sleep- you rocket
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My girlfriend says I'm cheesy when I say I love her to much

So I asked her if I'm her snack that smiles back.

This is a real interaction and im very proud I came up with it on the spot.
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My Cheesy Redneck Joke

Bill, I cant post to Youtube no more. All these average potatos on there are agitating me.

*Average Potatos?*

Yeah, you know. Them Common Taters.
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Cheesy Jokes

What sort of cheese would you use to entice a bear from a cave?


What sort of cheese can hide a small horse?


Why did the cheese get beat up by the stone?

Because the Roquefort back

Why did the one legge...

At the risk of getting egg on my face and being too cheesy.

Omelette au fromage.
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I always get told its neither the time nor the place for cracking really cheesy puns at work

Now I'm not sure about the time but I guess this is as gouda place as any....
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A man holding several miniature pigs walks into a bar.

"Hey, barkeep!" he says, struggling to keep control of his quarry. "Any room for me and my friends?"

The bartender smiles and sets down some plastic cups. The man plops his friends inside, but the cups are too small.

"Um...barkeep?" the man says, pulling them out again. The bartender ...
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My favorite Cheesy joke turned into a pick-up line:

Why did the chicken cross the road?

To get to the cute girl's house.

Knock Knock

Who's there?

The chicken

Happy Valentines everybody!
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Just thought of this cheesy joke...

Who betrayed Cheesus Christ?

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Why do mice make bad comedians?

Their jokes are really cheesy.
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What do you call a really cheesy thought?

A quesaIDEA.
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What do you get when you cross the ultimate jam band with the ultimate cheesy arena rock band?

Phish Styx
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(cheesy pickup line) How much does a polar bear weigh?

Enough to break the ice
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My grandfather used to tell me this one all the time, it's cheesy but a classic to me.

A wealthy man walks into a very very expensive restaurant with his guests. The waiter comes over and asks him "what would you like?" The man says, "give me the most expensive steak on the menu."

A bit later the stake comes out. A hundred dollar steak. He tastes it. He calls the waiter over. T...
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"Do you want to hear a cheesy joke?" asked my wife. I nodded.

I wish she'd tell me the joke and stop staring at my cock.

I'm not doing anything cheesy for my girlfriend on valentines day...

She's lactose intolerant.
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Hey Reddit, what are your favorite lame jokes?

"Wanna hear a pizza joke?"

"Nevermind, it's too cheesy."
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What do you call a line up of dudes picking up mozzarella cheese

A cheesy pickup line
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My mom is the queen of cheesy jokes and her favorite: " what do you call a deer with no eyes?"

" no idear"
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What is Doctor Strange’s favorite pizza?

Sorcerer’s Supreme

It’s cheesy, I know.
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can i tell you a vegan joke?

i promise it wont be cheesy
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You are what you eat

son: if you eat a lot of bananas will that make you go bananas?
Dad: hmm maybe. Your brother eats a lot of corn and he’s corny. Your sister eats a lot of cheese and she’s cheesy. Your mother eats a lot of nuts and she’s nuts and I eat.. I guess you could say I’m a scaredy cat
Son: huh?
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A list of puns

Here's a list of puns I've been collecting:

How do you throw a space party? You planet.

How was Rome split in two? With a pair of Ceasars.

Nope. Unintended.

The shovel was a ground breaking invention, but everyone was blow away by the leaf blower.

A scarecrow says,...

People always make fun of my dad because his name is Chip and he is a Dorito farmer

You might think that is cheesy but actually we got to grow up on a really cool ranch
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I like my pick-up lines how I like my cheetos

Dangerously Cheesy
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The best pizza joke ever

Actually never mind it's too cheesy... That's the biggest problem with pizza jokes, it's all about the delivery…
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The difference between a stupid person and a pizza

One is easy to cheat, the other is cheesy to eat.
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My girlfriend yelled at me

"I can't stand it anymore! I'm sick of your stupid and cheesy jokes! I'm leaving!"

"Gouda," I replied.
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I used to date a girl who was lactose intolerant.

We broke up because she couldn’t stomach my cheesy jokes.
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