haute cuisinequichefoie grasharicot beanguildcassouletterrinechampagnebressecharolais cattlegasconyrepastpikesquabchef

Iā€™m tired of hearing people say British food tastes awful. In fact, British food is the third most delicious food in the world

The first being French food, and the second is food from all other countries.

A tired man walks into a French restaurant for a date...

(This is a really old and kinda long joke my parents used to tell me. It's translated from Spanish so bear with me.)

The man hated French food, but the woman was supposed to be an absolute beauty, so he agreed. He arrived at the incredibly fancy restaurant, exhausted from a day of work, and s...

This joke may contain profanity. šŸ¤”

Three legged pig (long)

A traveling salesman was walking along a country road one day, his car having broken down, and he happened to come across a rather unique farmhouse. As he neared it he noticed that the pigpen of this farm was a bit different from most. In fact, it was palatial.

The mud was of the highest qua...

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