americiumplutoniumcaliforniumpierre curiegadoliniumchemical elementneutronmetalnuclear fuelalpha radiationcmatomic numberatomic number 96neptuniumfermium

Why are helium, curium, and barium the three main medical elements?

If you can't curium or helium, you barium!

Why do chemists call Helium, Curium, and Barium 'the medical elements'?

Because, if you can't 'helium' or 'curium', you 'barium'!

A doctor is operating on a patient.

He says to his assistant: “Helium please” so the assistant wheels over a tank of helium.
The doctor proceeds to put a mask on the patient so he can inhale the gas, but the patient doesn’t respond to the treatment.

The doctor turns to his assistant again. “Curium please”. And the assistant...

What do you do with a sick chemist?

First you try helium,then try curium,but if that doesn't work.You barium

A Doctor and A Chemist

A doctor and a chemist are chatting in a hospital. The doctor talks about how he's having trouble with a patient, to which the chemist replies,"Well, if you can't Curium and you can't Helium, then you might as well Barium."

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