
Have you heard about those new corduroy pillows?

They’re making head lines.

Did you hear.. corduroy pillows are making it all over the news lately?


Yeah. They're making lots of headlines

I’ve got my corduroy pants, my corduroy shirt, and my corduroy hat...

One more piece of clothing and I’ll be one whole Roy!

Have you heard about these new corduroy pillows?

They've really been making headlines.

-courtesy of my 8 year old niece.

I just invented corduroy pillows

My friends tell me I’m stupid but I think they will make headlines worldwide

My girlfriend and I used a corduroy condom for the first time last night...

It was a groovy kind of love...

Did you hear about the Corduroy pillows in the news?

They’re making HEAD LINES! (my mom told me this one today after I got home from work)

What do you get with a corduroy condom?

A groovy kind of love.

Confucious say

He who sleep on corduroy pillow make headlines

What's Helen Keller's favorite color?


IKEA made headlines today...

...due to their new range of corduroy pillowcases

What's Stevie Wonder's favourite colour?


Bob the Sailor & Ollie the Octopus walk into a bar...

Bob the sailor walks into a bar carrying a large octopus. He announces to the bar that this octopus can not only talk, but he has a very unique talent which he will share with the crowd for $50 a turn.

Bartender says "There's no way that octopus can talk."

"Sure he can. Ollie, tell the...

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