cyphercipheralgorithmasciiencodecomputer sciencebinary codeencryptionlanguagealphabetmorse codecodificationencryptinscribeencipher

Why couldn't the trans person learn coding?

They are non-binary!

What coding language do you think God uses?

Probably not Python right?

Life is like coding.

They've both got their breakpoints, and when you hit them it's time for some introspection.

The code-genie

A programmer finds a genie on the darkweb, and the genie messages him: "YOU GET THREE WISHES." So the programmer excitedly immediately wishes to be a billionaire. The genie messages back: "Hold on there pally it's not that easy. You gotta get me out of the darkweb first and into a LAMP."

What did the HTML coding dog say?

Href Href!

Coding humor

99 silly bugs in the code,
99 silly bugs,
Pass one down,
Patch it around,
127 silly bugs in the code!

There is a new coding language that no man or woman has learned

It's nonbinary

My dog ate my coding homework.

Took him a couple bytes.

I recently entered a computer coding competition.

I took home the gold with 0th place!

Her: I love coding

Me: U R 2 6 C i 1 2 4 Q

Her: i 1 2 1/2 6 w/ U, 2

What do you call a granny who is good at coding and beer pong?

A Brogramma

Why do LGBT people dislike coding?

It's binary

Why are writers really good at coding?

Because they are really into Pro grammar.

My coding professor did a lecture about recursion.

It got nowhere. It got nowhere. It got nowhere. It got nowhere....

"I'm so sorry, my dog ate my homework." Rolling his eyes, my computer science professor shot back, "Really?! Your dog ate your coding assignment?"

"Well, to be perfectly honest, it did take him a couple bytes."

Alpha, Bravo, Charlie - I've rewritten the military coding for letters. I would appreciate anybody suggestions or improvements here...

Lynch (all CIA guys' name)
Xystarch (l...

This joke may contain profanity. 🤔

So Satan asks God to let him back into Heaven...

God says "Satan, you've betrayed me before, but I am a just and forgiving god. You may get back into Heaven, if you can beat my only son in a programming contest."

Satan and Jesus meet to agree to the terms. The contest is a simple one. God will set a timer for six hours, and both Jesus and S...

This actually just happened...

*Wife: I wanna get into coding.

*Me: Oh, that sounds fun. You might even earn some
money on the side while you're at home. What language
did you wana code in ?

*Wife: English. Duh!

I didn't know JK Rowling was an audiophile, but it isn't surprising

She's obviously very opinionated about trans coding

I need to get a new friend

I’ve been trying to develop a website on my laptop but needed help as I only know basic coding. I asked my friend, a computer programmer, for advice and he told me to get Python

After about a week, the snake arrived. It then proceeded to wrap itself around the computer now it doesn’t work at ...

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