leopardhyenacougarbig catcatimpalalionlynxfelidaechetahacinonyx jubatusacinonyxsnoutsocialityterritory

Why are cheetahs great to exercise with?

Because they will spot you at the gym!

Male cheetahs have a specific bark that causes female cheetahs to ovulate 'on-demand.'

Because you still can't trust them. They're cheetahs.

There are two ways to free oneself of the cycle of reincarnation.

One is to achieve enlightenment and become one with the universal energies. The other is to be reincarnated as a cheetah, which only ever reincarnate as other cheetahs, effectively removing oneself from the the cycle. >!Once a cheetah, always a cheetah.!<

Why are divorce rates so high in the jungle?

There are too many cheetahs.

Why did people stop playing poker at the zoo?

Because of the Cheetahs!


Do you know why there's no gambling in Africa?

Because there are too many cheetahs.

Which animal is the least trustworthy?


Why do tigers always beat cheetahs at hide-and-seek?

They've never been spotted.

Don't date African cats

A lot of them are cheetahs and the ones who say they aren't are lion.

This joke may contain profanity. 🤔


After a horrific accident, Tarzan had to go through miracle jungle surgery. His eyes were replaced with an eagles…. His legs were replaced with a cheetahs…. And his penis was replaced with an elephant trunk.

Tarzan was amazed! He could see farther with his eagle eyes, run faster with his chee...

There are now 3 undefeated cat teams in the NFL!

The Panthers, the Bengals and the Cheetahs.

Pickup truck

A police officer sees a man driving around with a pickup truck full of cheetahs. He pulls the guy over and says... "You can't drive around with cheetahs in this town! Take them to the zoo immediately." The guy says "OK"... and drives away. The next day, the officer sees the guy still driving around ...

You can't let a big cat do your taxes

Some of them are cheetahs

Why shouldn't you gamble in the jungle?

There's too many CHEETAHS!

(Source: My Dad)

I hate playing poker in the jungle...

They're all a bunch of cheetahs.

Why should you never play poker in Africa?

Because there are so many cheetahs!

^(Sorry I know this is super cringe)

Why are some species of cat always endangered?

Because cheetahs never prosper

Why do gazelles always lose races?

Cause they're running against cheetahs

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