
I hinted to my friend that if he wanted to improve his billiards game, he should get better equipment...

...sadly, he took my cue.
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A teacher asked her students...

A teacher asked her 4th grade students a question every Thursday afternoon at the end of the day saying if they got it right they would not need to come to school Friday.

The first week she asks "how many stars in the galaxy?" No students had the answer.

The next week she asks"how many...

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Sex is like playing billiards.

You have a cue, you have balls, you have a hole and the important rule is that the white one must not go in.

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A man and his monkey enter a bar..

A man and his monkey enter a bar. The man sits down and orders a beer, while the monkey begins to wander and examine his surroundings. The monkey picks up a peanut, smells it, and then swallows it whole. The bartender notices and says, "Hey, did you see what your pet monkey did?"

The man n...

A man walks into a bar with his monkey.

The man and his monkey take a seat at the bar and the man orders two beers. The monkey is cool for a while, sipping his beer, but then jumps up from his stool, runs over to the billiard table and eats one of the balls. He then returns to his stool, and resumes drinking his beer.

Before the b...
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What has four legs, is green and fuzzy, and would kill you if it fell from a tree and hit you?

A billiards table
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What do billiards and computers have in common?

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A guy walks into a bar with his pet monkey.

He orders a drink, and while he's drinking, the monkey jumps all over the place, eating everything behind the bar. Then the monkey jumps on to the pool table and swallows a billiard ball.

The bartender screams at the guy, "Your monkey just ate the cue ball off my pool table -- whole!"


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Things that have hair.

A teacher asks the kids at class:

"I want you to name things that have hair on it"

"A cat!", the first kid says.

"That's correct", teacher replies. "A cat has hair on it. Can anyone tell something else that has hair?"

"An owl!", says another kid.

The teacher said:...

I tossed my billiard table into the bathtub.

Now I have a swimming pool.
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Country Club Raffle

Every evening an older gentlemen would venture down to the local country club. This club had a large room in which there were several comfortable chairs, as well as a billiards table. The gentleman would enter the club, buy a cheap drink, sit in the same chair and read from his newspaper.

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A man gets asked “What is it to have sex at the age of 70?”

"It's like playing billiard with a rope", the man answers.

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A wet bet

A man walks from the billiard table to the bar in a pub. He says to the bartender with confidence: "I like to make a bet, that I can piss in a glass 5 meters(16 feet) across the room without spilling one drop!". The bartender laughs out loud and asks jokily: "Well how much will the bet be?" "500 eur...

What two games does Carl Sagan play at the bar?

Billiards and Billiards
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A man and his monkey walk into a bar

A man and his monkey walk into a bar. They sit down and order a drink.

The bar tender instantly recognises the man and monkey and says "*Hey, that's the monkey that ate the 8-ball off of the billiards table!*"

The man reassures him "*Don't worry, he won't be doing it this time*". So th...

A guy goes to a New Year’s Day party. There are hundreds of people, holiday music is playing.

A few groups of people are playing cards. Others are shooting billiards. Yet another group is sitting around a warm fire telling stories. Everyone seems to be having a wonderful time. Realizing he is hungry, the man gets in a large queue and starts chatting with an old friend. After many minutes ...
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Why can’t an autistic kid play billiards?

He can’t pick up cues.
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A man walks into a bar with a monkey on his shoulder...

He orders a drink, and the monkey starts wondering around the bar, touching and sniffing all the things. Eventually it picks up a pool ball, looks at it for a bit and swallows it!

The bartender sees it and disturbingly tells the man - "your monkey just swallowed a whole billiards ball"! The m...

Bill Clinton walks into a bar, but his head is about the size of a billiard ball

So the bartender says "Ok, I'll bite. What happened?"

Bill says "Well, it's a funny thing. I found an old lamp on the beach, rubbed it, a genie came out and said he would grant me 3 wishes."

"My first wish was to become Governor of Arkansas. That was granted."

"My second wish ...
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