
What did the vertigo afflicted YouTuber say to his subscribers?

Hey, what's up guys!?
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I was once afflicted with with a terrible bout of dry mouth...

The doctors could do nothing to help and my future was looking dim. My food had long since been rendered flavorless and eating became a chore, until I met a man who said he was sent by god to cure my ailment. I was skeptical but desperate, willing to try anything.

I asked him "How much?" and...
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What do you call a person afflicted with cerebral palsy that likes riding on merry-go-rounds?

A Fidget Spinner.
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At our world famous clinic, many worried, afflicted and mentally unstable people come for assistance. I know it may sound ridiculous, but we start by suggesting they try one of our brain transplant procedures.

They always reject the offer at first, but eventually we change their minds.
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I apologise for my lame jokes

I am afflicted with a crippling sense of humour
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I was swindled by a tiny man dressed in green.

He was begging and I gave him money because he claimed to be afflicted by a horrible and infamous skin disease. I have since learned that claim was false.

Yes, I fell victim to a classic leper con.
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A politician visits a rural area to gain appeal for the upcoming elections

He schedules a meeting with the local leaders to discuss problems the town has been experiencing so that he could provide help and solutions.

"Governor, our town has been experiencing two big problems," says one of the leaders

The politician pounds his table, "Ok tell me what they are,...
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A baby is born that is just a head...

He's around 14 now and one night, his mom is watching a show where a doctor makes the announcement that science can now attach a donor body to those afflicted with this rare disorder. The mom is so happy, she bursts into his room: "Son! Son! Wake up! I have a wonderful surprise for you!" The kid ope...
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A man takes his wife of 35 years to the doctors office

His wife has not been acting herself lately and wanted to have her checked out. After a thorough work up by the doctor of his wife the doctor comes back into the lobby to speak with the husband.

Husband “What is it doc?”

Doctor “Well, we have narrowed it down to 1 of 2 diseases . It’...

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Angus and Bridget (the honeymoon)

Angus and Bridget have been dating for a while and plan to marry, so Bridget decides it's time for so honesty. She tells Angus that as a child she was afflicted with a rare condition that left her with the breast of a child. Angus is taken a back by this but soon realizes he cares more for her then ...

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Two friends are hiking in the woods

When one stops to pee. During his potty stop, he is bitten on the dick by a rattlesnake. He cries for help, and his friend comes running over. He sees the snake slithering away and his friend holding his wounded member and immediately calls poison control.
"Please help me, my friend's been bitte...

It was their wedding night. . .

And the inexperienced couple had never undressed in front of each other. As the new groom slipped off his shoes and socks, his bride couldn't help but notice how terribly deformed his feet were.

"My goodness, Dear, whatever happened to your feet"

"Well, my love, I never mentioned this...
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funniest joke you'll hear today about congestive heart failure

Assuming you are healthy, your heart when working normally, acts, sort of like a pump, or rather, two pumps. You see, your right heart expands to draw deoxygenated blood in from the body, and contracts to pump it out to the lungs to become oxygenated. And at the same time, your left heart draws in o...
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