
Why do some conspiracy weirdos wear tin foil hats with four holes in it?

To make sure 5G radiation can't get through.

A man buys adult diapers

The clerk asks "are you one of those weirdos with a diaper fetish?" with a judgmental look on his face

The man says "no, I'm an Amazon warehouse employee."

The clerk says "Ah, I understand now."

My wife asked me if I wanted to go bowling or if we would stay home tomorrow.

I replied; “I don’t feel like shoving my fingers in some holes where a bunch of weirdos have been inside before me. So let’s go bowling”

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A Scotsman goes into a brothel

in Amsterdam one night and finds himself a nice-looking prostitute.

He asks her, 'How much dae ye charge for an hour?' '€100,' she replies.

So he asks, 'Okay, dae ye dae it Scottish style?' She says 'No!'

He then says 'I'll gie you €200 to dae it Scottish style'. She didn't...

Went to the naval observatory the other day.

....weirdos there wouldn't stop checking out my belly.

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Fireworks are like sex

Some people watch it

Weirdos video tape it

And some people furiously masturbate to it

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On average, a human will swallow 5 spiders in their lifetime

That’s because weirdos like me keep fucking up the averages.

Its just a fax

A guy walks into a bar and sits down.
After a few minutes, he starts dialing numbers
like a telephone but on the back of his hand.
He then flips his hand over, and starts talking into
the palm of his hand.
The bartender walks over and tells him this is a
very tough neighbo...

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