diagramsetlogicintersectionschematicset theoryeuler diagramprobabilitystatisticslinguisticscomputer scienceunionlimnjohn vennleonhard euler

What do you call a Venn diagram seeking revenge?

A Venn dettagram

What do Excel, incels and some people who casually eat figs have in common?

They get confused and incorrectly assume it's a date.

Thank you for the awards.

As people have pointed out, this joke seems to have originated from a venn diagram, but seeing as I heard it a different way and we can't post venn diagrams on this sub, I don't ...

if you made a Venn diagram of Rick And Morty fans and Tool fans what would it look like?

Would it be a Perfect Circle?

What do you call Harrison Ford making a Venn diagram?

Comparison Ford.

Why do they call "roach-clips", "roach-clips"???

because potholder was already taken.

I know it's like a venn diagram of drug jokes and dad jokes.

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