Billy Bob wanted a job as a signalman on the railways.
Billy Bob wanted a job as a signalman on the railways. He was told to meet the inspector at the signal box.
The inspector asked, "What would you do if you realized that two trains were heading for each other on the same track?"
Billy Bob replied, "I would switch the points for one of...
Ohio is stealing my life story
A series of train wrecks in an already depressed area
What do you call a situation where a train wreck is happening right in front of your eyes and you can't do anything about it?
Donald Trump
Switch Operator
This guy was applying for a job as a switch operator on the railroad. The engineer was conducting the interview. "What would you do if the Northern Express was heading north on Track 1 and the Southern Central was heading south on Track 1?" The guy thought. "Well, I'd call my brother." The engineer ...
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Three truck drivers at a bar
Three truck drivers were sitting at a bar. The first two were all bandaged up, looking like they'd been in a train wreck. All three were depressed.
The first guy says: All this was done to me by my wife, and I deserved it. After having sex last night, I forgot and left a couple hundred on the...
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