
What do you call an Egyptian rapper with bad gas?

>!Tootin' Common!<

What do you call a Pharaoh who has road rage?

Tootin' car man. (My friend swears she made up this joke so I'm pretty sure this is actual OC)

Me:. Why are you making that funny face? Is it because I farted?

Cowboy:. Yer darn tootin'!

What did Giuliani say when asked if he was going to file more lawsuits?

Darn tootin'

What do you get when you feed Goya beans to a Russian president?

A Tootin’ Putin.

What dose a cowboy drug addict say before doing heroin

“Rootin tootin ready for shootin”

The ancient Egyptians almost never passed gas

Until the king made tootin' common.

I should start a store that sells wheat and beans.

It would be called "Gluten And Tootin"

What do you call a cowboy with a case of bad gas?

Darn tootin'!

(this is so dumb im sorry)

What do you call a gassy russian?

Vladimir Tootin

Eli's Dirty Joke

Cowboy Earl and Betty are senior citizens. Well Earl has always wanted and expensive pair of Alligator Boots

Seeing them on Sale one day he buys a pair and wears them home
"Hey Betty y'all notice anything different about me?"
"What's different? Its' the same shirt you wore yesterday ...

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