
They developed a computer program to write the musical version of "An Inconvenient Truth"

It's running a new Al Gore rhythm.

I keep seeing clips from “An Inconvenient Truth” on my YouTube homepage...

Must just be the Al Gore-ithim

How do you find an inconvenient proof?

With an Al-Gore-rithm

I had to stop watching An Inconvenient Truth after 20 minutes.

Can't stand movies with that much gore.

What was the title of the soundtrack to 'The Inconvenient Truth'?

Al Gore Rhythms

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You know, those inconvenient people that like to invite themselves to your house must really have a bad sexual performance

Because they keep coming without notice

A joke I came up with in my dreams.. And it's dumb..

So, last night, in my sleep, I dreamt I was at a talkshow. They asked me to make up a joke for my entrance and this is what I came up with:

I wanted to walk through the curtain from backstage several times, each time struggling to get through and angrily calling the curtain an inconvenient. T...

Einstein, Hawking, Heisenberg and Schrödinger formed a band.

It's called "The Inconvenient Truths."

They play music with that old Al Gore Rhythm.

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I feel bad for all the politicians.

It must be quite inconvenient to remove their mask everytime before taking a shit.

Al Gore's dentist had trouble doing a filling.

It was An Inconvenient Tooth.

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A Man and His Problem

A man had an extraordinary problem. He had a 15 inch penis. Naturally, it caused him great inconvenience in his daily life, so he wished to shorten his penis. He went to many a doctor, but they all confessed that it was beyond them to fix him. Having lost all hope, as a last resort he visited a wit...

Why do we do shorten emergency brake to e-brake, but we don't shorten parking brake to p-brake?

Because it's really inconvenient to have a p-brake while you're driving.

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A woman was sitting next to a man on a plane who kept sneezing and then shaking violently for several seconds thereafter.

After awhile, she got curious and asked, "are you feeling okay? I've noticed that you shake a lot after each sneeze."

The man said, "yes, I just have a condition where whenever I sneeze I have an intense orgasm."

The woman said, "oh, my! I can see how that could be very inconvenient....

My friend wanted a scary movie recommendation

I suggested An Inconvenient Truth

"I'm stuck on the last piece of a crossword. 12 letters, the clue is: 'getting in your way'".

He said, "That's 'inconvenient'."

I said, "I know. That's why I need your help."

I saw the strangest protest sign driving to work today

I know all the construction can be inconvenient but seriously, “End Road Work”?

Happy Father’s Day everyone!

Did you see that documentary about wisdom teeth?

It’s called “An Inconvenient Tooth”.

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A man is taking a leak in a bar

When another man enters the bathroom to use the urinal next to him. While scanning through the corners of his eyes, the man notices the other one takes off a condom before urinating. He can't help his curiosity.

\- "Hey man, no homo but... is that a condom you were wearing?"


I am a Canadian General planning the invasion of the USA

We can reschedule if it is inconvenient for you guys

A true incident...

A crowded United Airlines flight was canceled. A single agent was rebooking a long line of inconvenient travelers.

Suddenly, an angry passenger pushed his way to the desk. He slapped his ticket on the counter and said, “I HAVE to be on this flight and it has to be FIRST CLASS”

The a...

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A man walks into a clinic...

A man walks into a clinic and says to the doctor:

– Doc, you see, I have this problem of excess of gases all they long. One million farts a day. They don't have any smell and they are totally silent but it is very inconvenient having to fart all they long.

The doctor says: – OK, take t...

At the end of a very strange day, a Jewish-turned Catholic man calls his Catholic friend to chat.

The moment the Catholic picks up, the former-Jewish man tells him that he had several people knocking at his door at two in the morning when he least expected it. The former Jewish man tells his friend that from his sleep-addled perspective, they strangely almost seemed like they were covered in sca...

4 Hour Erections

I walked into a pharmacy, went to the back, and asked the woman at the counter if I could speak to a male pharmacist.

The woman told me that she was the only pharmacist, and that as she and her sister own the business, the were no male employees. She also assured me, however, that she was ve...

In the days of old the River Thames was once plagued with a giant wyrm.

The dread creature preyed upon any who used or went near the river, and many lives were lost, and eventually the call went out for a brave knight to slay the vile creature. It soon became apparent that this was no task for a common knight, but only the holiest and most dedicated - a living saint....

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