
Given that a radiator is essentially a vital organ to a car, it's strange that the town in the movie Cars is called "Radiator Springs."

It would be like if we called a city "Liver Pool."
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A black guy dies & finds himself at the Pearly Gates with St. Peter....

SP: Before I allow you to enter Heaven, you must tell me something truly extraordinary about your life.

BG: Sheeet, no problem. I was a star NFL QB for 15 years!

SP: One of many. What else?

BG: I have 2 Super Bowl rings & 3 MVP trophys!

SP: These things do not impress...
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We had a fire drill at the sperm bank today...

But everyone gathered in the car park before the alarm went of, it was a premature evacuation
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Saint Peter Decides That Heaven Is Getting Too Full

Upon deciding this Saint Peter decides that only people who have had a really bad day on the day they died will be allowed in.

The first guy comes in and SP says "Sit down and tell me about your day." To which the guy responds "Today was the shittiest of my life. I came home early because I w...

Di d y ou k n o w

tha t it’ s po s s ib l e to wri t e on t he phon e wit h you r p e ni s?
Th e on ly is su e is bal ls pre ssin g sp a c e a ll th e ti me
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I just heard a joke about icarus and oedipus.

It’s about a guy that flew to close too your mom. Edit. Sp
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I told my husband I knew he was awesome because I took a poll...

And hit people with it until they agreed with me.
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A Chicago Bears' fan, a Minnesota Viking's fan, and a Detroit Lions' fan find a genie in a bar...

The 3 fans are sitting at the bar when suddenly, a genie comes out of a bottle of vodka the bartender opens.
The genie says to the bartender: "Congratulations, you have released me from my prison, and to repay you for that, I shall allow you to make 3 wishes your heart most desires an...
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Why do Pirates always end up retiring early?

Because from a young age they were taught to contribute to their  ARRRR-ARRRR-SP
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A Catholic priest, a rabbi, and a Muslim extremist walk into a bar and all sit at the counter.

The bartender hands each of them a menu then turns to the priest and asks, "what can I get you to drink, Father?”

The priest replies, "oh I don't drink, but I have to ask, does this really say you could get me the blood of Mary?"

The bartender responds, "No no no, Father, you misunders...
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Jesus and Saint Peter are playing a round of golf...

They approach a par four that bends left around a small pond then straight to the green. Saint Peter decides to play it safe and hit to the turn then layup to the green.
Jesus then tees up and looks left over the pond toward the green.
JC:"What do you think Peter? Think I can make it to the...
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"A rich guy and a poor guy start talking in a bar"

After a few drinks they realize their wedding anniversaries are on the same day. The poor guy turns to the rich guy and says. "Well what did you get your wife?" The rich man proudly states "I got her a diamond necklace and a new Mercedes Benz, if she doesn't like the necklace she can take it back in...

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Three buddies get pulled over.

One day Joe, Craig and Mike were booze cruising around when they get pulled over by the police. After Joe failed the sobriety test the officer said 'well boys I'm feeling generous tonight and if all your penises add up to 18" I'll let you go'.
The three decide that it's a fair bet so Mike says he...

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Heaven's New Rule

God was sitting with St. Peter and let him know of a new rule he wanted to implement. "If someone's last day on Earth is terrible, they get one more day."

St. Peter was standing at the Pearly Gates ready to enact Heaven's new rule when the first soul approached.

St. Peter said "My son,...

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Best parrot joke ever..

A man walks into a pet shop wanting to buy a parrot, he sees the shop keeper and says, "Eh-eh-eh-excuse me s-s-sir, I w-w-want to b-b-uy a-a parrot!".

The shop keeper says, "Ok sir, we have 3 categories here.. On the bottom shelf here, we have parrots who cannot talk at all. On the middle sh...

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No Speech Therapy for him (NSFWish)

A man came to the doctor's office, frustrated and tired. He says," D-d-doc, I have this sp-peech problem. I've ha-d-d it all my life and it's ma-making me miserable. I c-can't speak in public. I have trouble in business me-meetings a-a-nd it's affecting my family now. P-p-please help Doc"

So ...

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