
What's the best way to get a perverts attention?

Put an nsfw tag on your post.

What e-wallet do perverts use?

Touch 'n Go

What do you call 100 perverts in a park?

A Flash Mob!

*EDIT* Set-up should have been "What do you call 100 perverts in trenchcoats?"

How many perverts does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

Just one, but it takes a surgical team to get it out.

Musicians are perverts.

The drummer sits in the back beating it, the guitarist is constantly fingering minors, the bassist is slapping it around, and they all like the pianist.

What kind of shoes do perverts wear?

White Vans

Hotel receptionists always seem to be such massive perverts

They spend all day checking people out.

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I can't believe how many perverts

I can't believe how many perverts there are in the park nowadays, I only just strolled through, and literally everyone kept staring at my penis.

Why do perverts love Pokemon?

Because they can catch a Pikachu.

I was accosted by a bunch of perverts on the subway...

I had to beat them off.

There was a bus with 4 seats.

(Sorry for the poor construction of the joke. English is not my first language)

The conductor came in and began checking the tickets of the passengers.

He approached the lady sitting in the first seat. She didn't have a ticket. The conductor fined her 20$ even though the ticket cost 4...

There's a new Reddit sub for perverts


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An eagle who had just been divorced went out looking for new love one day...

He was flying around, and on the ground he spotted a dove. He flew down,
had a bit of ding dong with the dove,
then flew away. The little dove laid there and said...

"I am a little dove, I've had a bit of love, but I liked it."

The eagle was still flying around, and on the ground...

Dating Sites are all for Perverts

I was going to join a dating site, but no matter which one I tried I realized pretty quick they were supporting perverts. Disgusting! I mean, right on the form it said: Do you want children?

What do social media Influencers and perverts have in common?

They both think people want their exposure.

I learned that, under the perverts, Sodomists are the most accepted

I guess they're underdogs

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