erectionglansmalebaculumpenile spinesurethraurineforeskinbarnaclepenialtestisphallusinsecturinationhectocotylus

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A guy went to a doctor about getting a penile implant.

When speaking with the doctor, he said "You have come to the right place.  We have a new procedure, that has worked very well for several of my patients.  We implant part of an elephant's trunk into your penis.  I expect you'll enjoy it once the operation is complete.

Although the man was a l...

Did you hear Justin Bieber got a penile implant?

He will now be going by Allthewayin Beaver.
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There is a new medical test to test for penile cancer.

You have to tickle the penis,

it's know as test-tickle .

I tried to get a Jacobs ladder penile piercing...

Best I could get was a Jacobs Step stool.
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If your monarch is a dick

You are a member of a penile colony

Why did Great Britain send male convicts to Australia?

To set up a penile colony!
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A man goes to the doctor to discuss his stutter.

A man goes to the doctor to discuss his stutter.

The man says, “D.D.D.D.D. Doctor. I.I.I.I. I can’t stop st.st.st. stuttering. P.P.P.P.P. Please help.”

After a thorough exam, the doctor tells the man, “We’ve found that your penis is 14 inches long and weighs 3 pounds. The strain of t...

What would you call Australia if it were only colonized by men?

A penile colony.
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Wedding night

One guy is playing tennis and gets hit hard on the penis, causing 'penile muscle trauma'. In agony, he addresses the doctor:

\- Doctor, see what you can do for me ... I will get married at the end of the week; my fiancee is a virgin and I cannot disappoint her.

\- Don't worry, I'll t...

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