
An Englishman, a Frenchman, a Spaniard, and a Dutchman are all on a zoom call.

The four men are all on a zoom call with their boss. Their boss asks “Can you see me?” and they respond




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An English man, German, French and Italian are standing at the side of a street watching a street performer

The street performer noticed that they all have poor eye sight so he asked them whether they can see him and they responded:
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What do French people call weed?

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A Native American, Pirate, and Frenchman walk into a bar.

The bartender walks over and says, "Gentlemen, hau, arrrrrrr, oui, today?"
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A Frenchman sees a poster in front of a bakery: Croissant €1. Handjob €5

He enters the shop and sees a gorgeous young lady behind the counter. He then asks:

"Mademoiselle, are you the one that delivers the handjobs?"

Very shy, the girl looks down, blushes and replies with a giggle:

"O-Oui monsieur, I am the one that gives the handjobs".

The F...
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An Englishman, a Frenchman, a Spaniard and a German...

... are all standing watching a street performer do some excellent juggling. The juggler notices that the four gentlemen have a very poor view, so he stands up on a large wooden box and calls out, “Can you all see me now?”




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Boris Jeltsin, Bill Clinton and Ernesto Zedillo in Paris pub.

Boris Jeltsin, Bill Clinton and Ernesto Zedillo are going to pub in Paris to have a drink.
The bartender greets them and asks: "L'aperitif?" All there are responding with enthusiastic "Oui!"
Bartender turns to Zedillo: "Le tequila?"
Zedillo: "Oui!"
Kelner turns to Jeltsin: "...
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3 Psychoanalysts walk into a bar

Bartender says: we have every beer from around the world. What can I get you fellas?

Sigmund Freud says: I’ll have an Austrian lager in a pint glass

Carl Jung says: I’ll have a Swiss lager also in a pint glass

Bartender looks at the third guy and says: where you from buddy?
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An Englishman, a Frenchman, a Spaniard and a German stop to watch a street performer.

The performer sees them arrive and since they’re at the back of the crowd asks them if they can see properly.




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What do French men have that French women don't?

A oui oui.
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It's the First World War, and a French Battalion and a German Battalion face each other in the trenches.

It's a rather slow day, and the Krauts sit bored in their trenches. Then, a young corporal speaks: "We really need to kill more frenchies! What can we do to lure them out?"
A young recruit asks, "What is a typical french name?"
Another answers, "Pierre."
The young recruit gets up, puts his ...
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A man went on a trip to France

He didn’t have much money so he decided to stay in a hostel. All night he kept trying to sleep but the sounds of an ambulance coming from the room next door kept him up.

The next night he went to go to sleep and the same thing happened; woken up by ambulance sounds except this time from acro...

4 people go on vacation together.

One of them speaks English, another speaks French, the third speaks Spanish , and the last speaks German. They see a crowd gathering in the street and go over to see what’s going on. There is a performer in the middle of the crowd. He notices that the four are struggling to see him so he stands on a...
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The 10 Commandments

So an Archangel comes from heaven to give humanity these nifty new commandments from God.

First he goes to the French and says:

"I have new Commandments from God, would you like to hear them?"

"Ah, oui? What do zey say?"

"For example: Thou shalt not commit adultery"

An American man, a French man, a Spanish man and a German man are standing on the sidewalk, trying to watch a street performer juggle bowling pins.

The juggler notices they're having a bit of trouble, so he stands on a large wooden box and says to them, "Can you see me now?"

They answer one at a time:




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What do you call a group of french communists?

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A Zimbabwean man, a Malian man, an Equatorial Guinean man, and a South African man, were all walking down the street.

They came up on a street performer, who asked if he was visible.




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Did you hear about the agreeable French pig?

He went oui oui oui, all the way home!
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My friend said he could speak German, French and Scottish.

When I didn't believe him he said: "Ja Oui Bastard."

A Jamaican, a Haitian, a Dominican and an Aruban went to Carnival.

Before the dancing girl began her set, she asked if the guys could see her.

"Yes." "Oui." "Si." "Ja."
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An Englishman, A Frenchman, A Spaniard and A German go to a magic show

They arrive late so all the seats were taken. The 4 gentlemen decide to stand in the narrow walkway at the back, one behind the other.

The Magician on stage notices them standing there, and asks the gentlemen:

"Can you all see me from there?"

So the gentlemen reply in or...
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Two students and a teacher want to have sex with foreign exchange students.

One student goes for the French student, and the whole time she screams, "Oui! Oui! Oui!"

The other student gets with a Spanish student, and she screams, "Sí! Sí! Sí!"

The teacher locks a German student in his office, the whole time she screams, "Nein! Nein! Nein!" He replies, "Really?...

What is the Frenchman's favorite cereal?

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What are the French’s favorite gaming console

The oui
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What do Frenchmen call their penises?

Their oui ouis

What does a French couple making love and an Ambulance have in common?

They both go OuiOuiOuiOuiOui.
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An American, Frenchman, Israeli, Spaniard, and a German are on a video call. Their boss logs in and starts the meeting by askng "How's my connection, can everybody see me alright?" They answer:

"yes", "oui", "ken", "si", "ja"
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Job Interview

"It says here you are fluent in Spanish."

"Oui, Oui."

"Ok, that's french."

"Better add that to my resume as well."
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An Englishman, a Frenchman, A Spaniard and a German go to the theater to watch a mime show.

The men have bad eyesight so they are squinting through the whole performance.
The mime sees their problem and stops the show and moves them to the front row. He then ask, "Can you see me now?"
The men Respond:
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What’s a French person’s favorite drug?

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Nothing better than sex in France.

I mean, where else are you gonna get some oui oui?

French Class

Student: "may I use the restroom professor?"

Professor: "oui oui"

Stundent: "no professor, DOO DOO"
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A man with a dog walks into a bar.

The bartender says “Is that a French poodle, because he’s going oui oui all over the place”
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What's the best thing about dating a French guy?

Their oui oui.
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What drug do French people use to get high?

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An Englishman, a Frenchman, a Spaniard and a German are in a carnival

Watching a juggler juggle 4 burning fire brands. He notices that the four are quite short and are on their tiptoes just to be able to have a glance at his juggling skills.

Being the showman, he jumps on to a large wooden box while still keeping the firebrands juggling and asks, "Can y'all ge...
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Guy gets a job as a spy...

He's sent on his first mission, and told that the secret passphrase he has to give to contacts is, "The night-bird flies at dawn."

He's instructed to go to London, head to Piccadilly Circus, and speak to a guy in a purple fedora, busking. So he flies to London, goes to Piccadilly Circus, fin...
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The Talking Cat (Original)

Two French brothers are out fishing when one hooks something on his line. After a lot of huffing and puffing by the two of them, they pull up a small wooden chest. They open it, and inside there is a small tabby cat with a note that says "This is a magical talking cat. Please take care of him."...
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How can you tell if a toad is french?

When you pick him up, he goes oui oui.
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Why is French person a better team player than a pirate?

The pirate says, "Aye, aye!"

The French says, "Oui, oui!"
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What’s a French persons favourite gaming console?

A Nintendo Oui
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When the France 1924 Olympics were held...

...did they compete in Oui Sports?
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What do you call a French hot dog?

A Oui-ner
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A better version of a joke I just read

I asked a French girl if she smoked, would she prefer marijuana or tobacco?

She said..... ouied
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What do you call a little boy who’s half French and half Scottish?

A oui lad
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What do the French use as slang for marijuana?

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What do you call a Frenchman's penis?

A oui-oui.

An Englishmen, a Frenchman, a Spaniard and a German are watching a street magician perform his routine from a good distance away. Half way through, the magician looks around and notices how far away the men are and asks, "Can you see me ok?"

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What is a French policeman’s favourite past time?

Playing his oui u.
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What did the French cowboy say when he heard a hilarious joke?

Oui Ha!
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A Frenchman, an Englishman, a German and a Spanish man go to a dolphin show

The dolphin jumps in the air, but the 4 men couldn’t see the dolphin
The Englishman shouts, “We can’t see you!”
The dolphin jumps higher and says “Can you see me now?” And the 4 men reply
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My French Coach gave me the spirit of a loser..

Yes, We can’t spell “oui” without “i”
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