
What's a headline that's worse than "Missing person remains missing"

"Missing person's remains found"

Everywhere else in the world, a 30 year old women disappearing is called a missing person's case

In Hollywood it's called dying by old age

When helping look for a missing person....

You always want to be as helpful as possible. Just not so helpful that you find the body.

Missing wife

A husband went to the police station to file a "missing person" report for his missing wife:

Husband : -I lost my wife, she went shopping hasn't come back yet.
Inspector : -What is her height?
Husband : -Average, I guess.
Inspector : -Slim or healthy?.
Husband : -Not slim, but...

After months of detective work, police have uncovered the bodies of a number of missing persons...

These bodies which number in the dozens, were buried in the backyard of a suspected mass murderer. Upon investigation, the police found a series of mass graves. These holes had been dug up by the alleged killer, and contained dismembered body parts, including torsos, extremities, and decapitated hea...

There are three friends: Shutup, Mind and Troublez.

There are three friends: Shutup, Mind and Troublez.
Each one named according to their personality.

One day, while playing in the playground - Troublez goes missing.
Shutup and Mind decided to go to the police station.
Mind is tired and sits outside on the bench.
Shutup goe...

A Man Walks into a police Station to report his missing friend

Man: “Hello, I’d like to report a missing person please.”

Police Officer: “Of course Sir, What’s the name?”

Man: “My friends name is Michael, he is in his mid 40s”

Police Officer: “Alright, How long had he Been Missing then Sir?”

Man: “Well he hasn’t been seen or heard fr...

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Joe, Bob, and Mike are painters working on a house..

Mike says "I'm going to have a smoke break, I'll be back in a few".

A while later Bob noticed that Mike hasn't come back yet. They wait a bit longer, but still no Mike. They try calling his cell phone, but there's no answer.

The next day he's still a no show. They decide to ...

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One morning eating my breakfast...

Just cereal, i was looking at the missing person part on the milk carton, and i had seen many of these before but some reason this one caught my eye, it read "Lilly, missing 2 weeks blonde hair, blue eyes, always happy". A few days later im sat in my office on the 50th floor and i look out of my win...

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There's a little known legend about the Brothers Grimm: they wanted to write a story to rival The Ugly Duckling. For 'research' purposes, they bought a hundred ducks and released them into a cave..

..planning to return years later to document their behavior. Unfortunately both passed away before that, and the project was forgotten.

This information came to light hundreds of years later in 2>!XXX!<, during an investigation into strange quacking noises and numerous missing p...

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