We used to have empires run by emperors, then we had kingdoms run by kings..
Now we have countries..
I jokingly told my friend I was collecting the corpses of past emperors of Russia and dumping them into a giant ravine, but he thought I was serious and asked what was wrong with me.
I guess he just doesn't understand tsar chasm.
How did Russian emperors pay for their coffee?
Why can't Chinese emperors commit murder?
Because it's irregal
What's a Russian emperors favorite fish?
There is a story passed down in China about an emperor from the Ming Dynasty.
It is said that he favored deer above all else. Throughout the region, everyone knew that to kill a deer was the highest offense.
One day, a village awoke to find a dead buck in the yard of one of the villagers. Despite his pleading, the eldest man of the household was publicly killed. A remi...
Russian political joke from time of the Russian Empire
A man in the street shouts: "Nicholas is a moron!" (Nicholas is a common Russian given name, it's also the name of two Russian emperors). He is naturally arrested by the police and charged with insulting the emperor. He tells the officer: "I meant another Nicholas". The officer answers: Do no be sil...
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