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Playing dodgeball with kids is much harder than it looks.

You have to use both your hands to throw them.
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Why didn’t Saturday and Sunday get picked to play a second round of dodgeball?

Everyone knew that they were weekend in the first round.

Donald Trump is set to star in a sequel to the movie Dodgeball

Because if you can dodge a draft you can dodge a ball.
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My wife hasn't touched my genitals in years

She's a world champion at dodgeball.
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Whats a straight mans favorite sport?

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I have a similar Russian joke I'll translate to English as best as I can

A son comes home from school with a note from the principal, and is met by his dad.

"Dad, the principal asked you to meet him soon."

"Why? What happened?"

"Well, during PE today I threw a dodgeball wrong and it smashed the trophy cabinet and now it needs to be replaced."


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