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A leopard can carry something twice it's weight up a tree,

While a cougar can take something half her age into bed.

Three people had their car break down in the middle of the desert...

They each decided to carry something useful from their car and walk until they found civilization. The first person said “I will carry these sandwiches, so if we get hungry we can eat them.” The second person said “I will take these water bottles, so if we get thirsty we have something to drink.” Th...

Three friends decided to visit the African Savanna and make a little tour all by themselves.

Let's call them Jack, Mark and Clark.

And to make it more thrilling and exciting, they decided to make it a tour by foot. So they chose the route and dates and they met at the airport when the day had come.

As they arrived at the place where they would be spending the first nig...

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