carbon dioxideozoneoxygencarbonmonoxidenitrogenformaldehydedioxinmethanebenzenehydrogen sulfidehemoglobindioxidegasorganic compound

The carbon monoxide detector is getting really annoying

But hey, at least the kids are quiet
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I had to turn off my carbon monoxide detector ...

‘cause the constant beeping was giving me a headache and making me hallucinate
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I had to take the batteries out of the carbon monoxide detector last night.

The loud beeping was giving me a headache and making me feel sick and dizzy.

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I wish I knew how to turn off my carbon monoxide alarm....

It's been going off for about fifteen minutes and the noise is making really dizzy and lightheaded.
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How long does a carbon monoxide intoxication last?

Longer than you think.
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I took the batterys out of my carbon monoxide detector.

It was beeping the whole week, and my roof told me to.
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NASA's Perseverance rover on Mars has successfully tested a device that can convert carbon dioxide (98% of Mar's atmosphere) into oxygen and carbon monoxide.

Sounds like a great idea, until all the Martians start dying from carbon monoxide poisoning.
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My carbon monoxide alarm went off in the middle of the night

It gave me a really bad headache, so I had to turn it off.
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A chemist wants to open up a coffee shop

When the FDA comes to check his facility, they ask about his coffee recipe. He says, "I'm not like these other coffee shops. My coffee is made using pure science!

One part carbon monoxide and 2 parts iron."
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Twas the night before Christmas

When all through the house
Not a creature was stirring,
Not even a mouse.

Really should have bought a carbon monoxide detector
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Don't you hate it when you're trying to have a nap and there's an alarm blaring in the background?

I just had to smash my carbon monoxide alarm to bits, it was giving me a bloody headache.
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What chemical compound prevails over constant negative press?

Carbon monoxide vanadium di-iron
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