
Hey girl, are you an arms dealer?

Cause every time I see you, you give me a semi, automatic.

I buy my guns from a guy called T-Rex

He’s a small arms dealer.

Arms Dealer?

Would those who make upper extremity prosthetics be known as "arms dealers"?

18th Century Arms Dealer Receives Concussion on First Day at Work

A burgeoning blunderbuss broker braved and bore the brunt of a bludgeoning to the brain.

I have at last fulfilled my dream of becoming arms dealer...

... by selling 3D printed prosthetic limbs for the needy.

You are what you think you are

Her: What do you do?

Me: Global prosthetics distribution.

Her: So you’re an artificial limb salesman?

Me: I prefer ‘international arms dealer’.

My friend is an arms dealer. He has a Holiday sale right now where he's selling explosives for $1 each

It's a bang for your buck.

Breaking: Brittany Griner

Brittany Griner has just been swapped for arms dealer Viktor Bout.

Both have roughly the same shooting %

"Where'd you get that gun?"

"This? I got it from T-Rex"


"Yeah he's a small arms dealer nearby"

Why do T-Rex’s only sell handguns?

Because they’re small arms dealers

I sell prosthetics for children...

I'm a small arms dealer

A man went to a black market dealer,

He asks the seller,

"Yo I heard you can get me a glock, can I have one?"

The guy says,

"what have people told you about me?"

He replies "you're a small arms dealer"

*pushed the mutilated child arms back into the van*

"kind of yeah"

I once met a T-rex who was working at a casino.

He said he was hiding out from the cops.

I think he was a small arms dealer.

My friend runs a very successful business making prosthetic limbs and exporting them worldwide.

He is an International Arms dealer.

Why did T-rex have to register with police?

He was a small arms dealer.

I'm very sorry, I'll show myself out.

Today the authorities busted the local T-Rex shop, causing a huge uproar amongst the dinosaur community

Apparently he was a small-arms dealer

So what do you do?

*I sell prosthetic limbs to various countries.*

So you're like a med rep, but for amputees?

*I prefer international arms dealer.*

I want to start selling arm prosthetics globally

Because then I'll be an international arms dealer.

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