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[NSFW] What do the Zika Virus and Catholic Priests have in common?

They're both giving kids a little head all over Latin America.

I tried write a joke about the Zika virus... [OC]

...but couldn't come up with anything off the top of my head.

I think I just caught the Zika virus...

I met a Brazilian girl and she gave me a little head.

Awful chat-up line: "Did your mother have zika virus?"

Because I like a little head

The one good thing about having a kid with Zika virus...

even if he achieves major success in life, he'll never get a big head.

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Horny perverts are going to Brazil in record numbers since the Zika virus broke out

because when they have sex they are 100% guaranteed to get a little head too!
Original reddit first joke!

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